Phone pics... 10:28 AM

Some days in the van the kids are just fun. This day a couple weeks ago the kids were just being crazy.
((Note Max's Darth Vader all seat-belted in? "So he's safe Mommy!"))

Zozo last week at the park. She is soooo sweet. <3

Mom and Dad are holding a dune-buggy in their garage for a friend. Rick (of course) spotted it IMMEDIATELY. So the kids simply NEEDED to try it out. (NOT running though!!)

Mom and I went shopping in Stratford last week (got a crap-load of Christmas shopping done!), then went to see the play: "As you like it". It was a beautiful so many ways! :)

The Weishans are coming!!!!!!!!!!! 5:46 AM

Saturday GG had a bbq for the Weishans - Bob and Nadine. (Oh, and FYI - the Weishans are long-lost family from California). Although we had planned on coming (Rick too - but no Ella - she was at her BFF's birthday party!), at the last minute Rick had to work. :( So I called up Gram and told her we couldn't come, only to have Rick tell me less than an hour later that he WAS indeed coming. MEN!
SO...we decided to surprise Gram after all, and I'm glad we did!
Both Zoe and Max were pretty darn good on the drive down, but getting closer to Sarnia, they started to get restless. We decided to stop under the bridge to let them stretch their legs. Oh what fun! I'm just sad Ella missed it. Obviously next time - we are hitting Point Edward again!!! It's sooo beautiful!

We got french fries and ate while watching the river, I was in LOVE... *bliss*

When we finally decided it was time for naps, we were back on the road heading for GG's.

This is my FAV pic from the party - Dad and Zoe on the swing! Look at their faces!!!! :D

Bob and Bob... ;)

Zoe LOVING her belly-b!!!

Max, listening intently.

This series of pics is by Rick. Isn't it cool? Max jumped and jumped and jumped!! Oh what fun! (Oh, and he didn't hurt himself until he tried to climb UP the stairs...yup - that's my boy!)

Max with Grandpa's motorcycle helmet on! (He used to be afraid of it...I'm thinking he's not anymore!)

Aunt Rudy with Zozo...

I think the aunts were trying to corrupt my children...

Yup - either that or child labour. Hmm...?!? And yes, Aunt Jeany - you are guilty by association.

My beauty Zoe (like the horse's arse?!?!?! LOL!)

All dressed in their pj's - Max fell asleep almost instantly, but Zoe held on for 20 min or so before she finally fell asleep. It was a lovely ride home. :)

Yes, my MJC obsession again... 5:52 AM

I LOVE Matilda Jane Clothing. The problem? It's too much money, so I only buy a few pieces here or there, either BST or on a VERY big sale - like the one they just had!
I received my VERY FIRST MJC package in the mail yesterday! They had a wicked awesome sale about a month ago, and I took advantage (but I should have bought more!).

Oh, let's be clear here - it's girls clothing, so when I saw "I recieved" it, it really means Ella. ;)
We received just one dress, one pair of leggings and one pair of tights. (I really wish I had gotten more!)

Here are the leggings - which are super-soft, and really cute!

Here is my Ella-bells trying it on, and OF COURSE, twirling. How can you NOT twirl in a dress like this?!?

Awww...let's not forget about how cute Baby Z is! (Even without her clothes on!) ;)

My hat, well, ok Amber's hat. :) 7:55 AM

I did it! I crochet'd (sp?) my first hat!!! (actually this is my second, I'm keeping my first to learn from!)

I made this for Amber, Dianne's baby girl. I have finished my second one now, for Zoe. I'm now working on a purple one (to be an eggplant, yes, eggplant - her request) for Ella!

It fits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Isn't she adorable? (Even WITHOUT the hat she is!)

Awww...Grandpa Joe and Amber!

Storybook Fun! 7:39 AM

This weekend we went to Storybook Gardens, in hopes of meeting up with Rick's brother and family. It didn't quite work out as Rick's mom had hoped, but we still managed to have fun!! :) (We finally got together later at Rick's 'rent's house, so it wasn't too big of a deal!)

Zozo was freaking hilarious in the splash pad - nothing seemed to bother her too much! A little water sprayed in her face - a tiny recovery, then went back for more!!! LOL!

Look at those delicate little thighs... ;)

Instead of heading to the splash pad - Max got his face painted instead. (It was freaking HOT out that day, but still not big on water! He is soooooo his father's son!)
((I LOVE how they made his eye the dragon's eye!! He was bummed when he smudged it after his nap, and wanted it all off then. But at least he enjoyed it for a few hours!)

It is soooooo hard to get a decent pic of all 3! This was our attempt! ;)

(Ella had to kiss this frog before we left, and decided she didn't really need a prince yet anyway - she always has Daddy!)

Ella & Loren posing with a king, queen and knight. SOOO cool!

Max got to hold a real sword!

Knight Maxwell

And lastly, this was the Praying Mantis that was on Rick's car when we got back from SG. It was so cool to see it really close up. The kids stood in 'awe' around it!