The "shell" hat | 10:42 AM |
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A co-worker of mine has employed me to make quite a few hats for her already, and her latest request was one for her friend. Her friend always wears hats, is really funky, so it needs to suit her. No pressure there at all... ;)
Anyway, my friend Colleen did this hat, then I got the pattern from her AND Angela (my original crochet guru) and started in Monday night. Last night I finished it (yes, it was quick!!) and tried it on, and...didn't like it. At least on me. I was so disappointed. It worked up so well, and I love the yarn and pattern, but it just looked like poop on me. So I reluctantly brought it to work with me to show my co-worker, but fully intending on going home to start again.
Much to my surprise - she LOVED it!! PLUS...another co-worker fell in love with it, and put in her OWN order for the same hat! LOL! Shows what I know eh? ;)And last, but not least, here is a pic of Mom and I at the Josh Groban concert a couple weeks ago. It was FAB-U-LOUS...oh, how I *heart* Josh!!
(Honestly though, why do I take pics like these? My phone/camera SUCKS in the dark, but I guess you get the idea. We were so giddy waiting for him to come on stage!!!! <3)
Happy crocheting weekend... | 6:12 AM |
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Since my Christmas break I've gotten my energy back. (Well, mostly back...LOL!) So this weekend I decided it was time to get crackin' on Max's teacher (Phoebe)'s koala hat. She is from Austraila, and loves anything koala!! I really hope she doesn't already have a koala hat, but if nothing else, it will hopefully be different! I hope she likes it! Here is Ella-Bells modelling it!
I was very happy with how it turned out, and because it was for an adult, I used buttons for eyes instead of crocheting ones. I love the effect!
While making this one, I asked Ella if she wanted a koala hat - but she said no, I'd rather have a panda hat. She has asked for one a while ago, but it's just one of those things I never got around to...
SO...since I happened to have all the yarn I needed, I crochet'd my heart out yesterday and finished it last night. She simply HAD to have a pink bow on it, so at 10:30 last night I was desperately trying to find a bow pattern online..LOL!!! I'm happy with the hat, but I want to redo the bow.This morning when she saw it she was sooooooooooooo happy!!! SOOOO worth it!!! :D
'nother ultrasound! | 12:00 PM |
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Yesterday I had to get another ultra sound because the last time baby V wouldn't cooperate to get all the measurements the needed! ;)
Since this was like an 'extra' ultra-sound, and Rick had just gone to see one, I thought maybe I'd take Mom to see! Ella wasn't in school yesterday either, so I stopped by Sandra's to pick her up too! GIRLS DAY!
We all went to the hospital, and after the technician had done his measurements, they got to bring Mom and Ella in! It was very cool to see the baby again. It seriously does NOT get old!!!!
And NO...still don't want to know the sex, so it's just Baby V for now. :)
Afterwards Mom, Ella and I went to eat lunch at Coffee Cultures (yum!) and then walked up to the new store Dwell. What a cool store - PLUS I know the owner! Oh what fun!
Ella and I then went to Princess Elizabeth to register Max for JK (the principal for the new school is currently at Princess Elizabeth, so that's where we have to register him), and then went to pick up Zoe and Max and got home EARLY! How nice...home in enough time to make a REAL meal, and prepare for swimming!
I signed the kids up for swimming lessons - all 3 at the same time! I was really worried about Max, so I talked to him lots before we went, and his response was always: "I want to swim with YOU", or "I don't want to go.." Ugh. As it turns out he was the MOST excited to get IN, AND didn't want to get OUT!!! :D I was so happy!!!
Mind you, he wasn't the greatest listener to his teacher (LOL) and kept going off to do his own thing while he was supposed to be waiting...but he did have a big class, and there was a LOT of waiting to do. (I thought the limit was 5 kids/class?)
Overall they did wonderful. Ella's class might be changed. It was a BOY teacher, but she didn't seem bothered at all (whew!), and only one other boy in her class. She said it was all fun, so, so far, so good!
Zoe was CRAZY in the water. I could barely hold her!!! She was swimming like MAD...oh, it was funny. She was VERY I think we have another water baby on our hands!!!
Afterwards Rick met us in the family washroom and all the kids had a shower. It took a while (we were the last ones out!) but we got them all washed and dressed in their jammies, and promptly took them home and plopped them in bed. They were all out like a light! :D
I was EXHAUSTED afterwards though...glad it's only once/week!!!!!!!!
Great day overall though, but I am looking forward to doing some crocheting tonight...since I had NO energy to do ANY last night!! :)
January | 8:47 AM |
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I'm desperately trying to catch up on my blog after having a couple weeks off at Christmas. It was WONDERFUL to have the time off, but I got behind computer-wise because I was barely on it! So...this is kind of a catch-up post. A few different things, and I see, mostly of Zo-J!!
Here is Zoe in her pink Adidas outfit from GG. It is completely adorable!!!!!!!! One of my fav outfits by far!
Zoe has always wanted to be included in anything the other kids do, so of course, she has realized that she also wants her hair done (just like Ella!). "Dooe air dun" And she sits down in front of me and plays with the elastics. This day she got her usual 'tree' on top. Then she went to play, the decided it simply wasn't enough, so she came back for more. She seemed happy with the pig tails I did, and off she went again. The third time she came back I was running out of hair, so I braided her pigtails, and this is how it turned out! They stuck straight out - just like Pippi Longstocking. I called her 'Pippi' all day long. The kids had NO idea who I was talking about, but I was amusing myself!! ;)
Max is finally starting to give up his afternoon nap. But it's an adjustment, for sure! He's pretty darn tired at night when he misses that nap, and sometimes doesn't quite make it to bed...
I bought this outfit from a friend, and had smartly put it away in her closet, thinking it was too big. Then, (luckily) the other day I got looking at it, and realized that it should fit, and low-and-behold, it's perfect! It's so much more adorable on! And the tights look like they have socks on the cute!!
Last, but not least, my crazy Max. He'll do anything to see himself on the camera after I take his pic!!!
I'm thinking the next post better be dedicated to poor Ella who was barely in any of these photos!!! No worries, I'm sure it will even out. ;)
1:04 PM | |
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Today's Post is from my mom. I've slacked off lately - something to do with being really busy with my three babies, and attempting to grow another one at the same time...!
"Today Ella and Zoe decided to have a sick day and spend it with Nana. They were delivered all pink cheeked and rosy but as the day wore on they faded a little and slept most of the afternoon. Ella woke up refreshed and feeling fine. Zoe woke up feeling punky and just wanted to sit on Nana's lap. Sweet baby.

Imagine an amazing Nana like that. My kids are so lucky!!! <3
Finally, the new bébé pic! | 6:36 AM |
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