Ella's new hairdo! | 9:49 AM |
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For weeks Ella-Bells has been asking to get her hair cut off. It's really surprised me, because she has always wanted long hair. So...after hearing that she wanted it cut off about 50 times, I told her we would do it, but after her ballet recital.
So...Sunday morning we headed over to Colleen's house, and CHOP it went!! It's adorable, and she simply can't stop smiling!!! Colleen dried it, so it was straight, but after her bath, it's now curly. She still loves it. Yeah! And hardly any knots!! EVEN BETTER! :D
Ella's rehearsal... | 8:48 AM |
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Tuesday Ella had her ballet rehearsal. Since it started at 4:30, mom took her (bless her heart!). They were to be there at 4:30, but weren't likely to go on stage until 5:00pm. 2 1/2 hrs later...they finally got on. Mom loved it all - seeing all the costumes, and all the little girls, so adorable! I can't wait to see the show on Friday! No pics then though...but I will be buying the DVD for sure! (Much to Rick's chagrin...!)
Niagara Falls Weekend | 10:36 AM |
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This past weekend we took Ella and Max to Niagara Falls, and Great Wolf Lodge. We had a BLAST! We left Zoe with Nana and Grandpa, since she was a little too small for this trip, but NEXT year...she's coming!!!
Of course, what's a trip to Niagara Falls without a pic of them?The American Falls
Lots of photo ops here!! The kids LOVED climbing on the rocks, but we put our foot down when Max tried to stand here - there will be NO falling down the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CUTE pic!!!!
Daddy and two of his babies! He was really happy this weekend. :)
I'm not exactly sure what Max was doing, but he was happy, so all is good. :)
Ella found a BIG moose in the gift shop...
Great Wolf Lodge!! The kids LOOOOVED it, and so did the parents!! LOL!
Max thought it was hilarious to sit ON the bear. Ella, of course did the proper thing.
The HUGE fireplace. Everything was just so cool.
The freaking huge indoor water park. We had so much fun there! No pics while we were swimming though, no way was the new camera venturing where it might get wet, and ooooooh, it would have gotten wet!!
Ella and her lolipop. One of the BEST things about the place, from her perspective. ;)
The kids went to the "Cub Club" for a couple hours for some crafts, stories, snacks and fun! They LOVED it! They both wanted to go back the next day!
They both coloured a pillowcase. The teacher said to us: "Does he like colours?" to which I said: "His favourite colour is black - is that all he used?" ..."Yes!" LMAO!
We were in a Kids Cabin. It was PERFECT, PLUS...there was a TV IN their room. Oooooh happy day.
Note my little pink Zombie?
After a few tries, Max figured out how to climb up and down from the top bunk. It was VERY exciting.
On our second day we swam ALL morning long - having a blast. Then just before lunch, we were waiting in a short line, when Max asked if he could go up a ramp behind us. No probs, so I let him. Of course, he started running (can you see where this is going?) up the ramp, stopped at the top in huge smiles, then started to run down. He slipped, and fell on his elbow, and immediately started to wail. At first I thought he had broken his arm :S but luckily it was just a scrap. (Whew!) He cried and cried, so we decided to call it quits. Then he started to get pale, so we got him to the change room as quick as we could. After tossing up his breakfast, he promptly fell asleep on Rick. It was so sad! We changed him up, and made our way back to the van. I guess it was his way of telling us he'd had enough...poor little guy!
He woke up before we left Niagara Fall, as happy as could be!!! Whew again!!
Before we left we simply HAD to visit the Hershey store. Since Max was asleep, Rick dropped Ella and I off, and drove around the block, while we shopped for chocolate. Ooooh, what fun!
On our way home we stopped at the Welland Canal, and just happened to see a big ship go through the lock! The captain even came out and talked to us, and honked the horn for the kids!!
The ship coming in, very low...
And it's up now!!
Then we got to see the bridge lift itself up for the ship to go through. Neat to see that kind of bridge. The kids loved it. (as did we!)
We got back to Nana and Grandpa's in time for dinner (Yeah Nana!!), and Zo-J was happy to see us all. (Ok, except for me. I think she might have been a tad bit mad at me for leaving her? Mind you, she warmed up to me once we got home. Finally, #1 with her again... Whew!)
What a great weekend. I can't wait to go back again!
Jax, the bunny | 8:30 AM |
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FINALLY I finished my bunny. This is Jax. He's really big!! No wonder he took so long - LOL!! I'm sad to say I'm giving him away (but to a good cause - it's the Relay for Life we raise money for, and he's going into an Easter basket that we will raffle off). But now that he's finally all done, I want to KEEP him!!! Ella found him this morning, and OF COURSE wanted him, but I had to tell her he was leaving us. Oh well, hopefully someone will win him and give him to some child that will *hopefully* love him all up. I'm thinking the Velveteen Rabbit. He can one day become a REAL purple bunny...*in my dreams*. ;)
Anyway, I'm happy with how he turned out, but really, he's much cuter in person. :)
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