Alexis on fire - TO GET OUT! | 1:32 PM |
My little movie star, Lexie.
I've decided that if you decide to come into the world with all the drama of a good movie, then you are destined to be something wonderful! So watch out comes ALEXIS!!
Thursday evening Rick's parents called to say they were back from their month-long trip to The Netherlands. I completely did not think that they would be in the country when I gave birth this time, but...they lucked out. Yeah for them. (Needless to say the end, especially, of this pregnancy was hard on me...I was SO ready to have her!)
All evening I had small contractions, and figured something would be happening soon (oh, how I started to detest that word!), but not yet. Then, at 12:34am, I woke up to a REAL contraction. I can't say I've been happier in my life at that point. I was just desperately hoping that they wouldn't go away! I timed them for a couple hours, then finally woke Rick up at 2:00ish so he could have a shower and help me decide when to call the midwife. Around 3 we figured it was time, so I called Mom and Dad, and Jackie (my midwife) and once Mom came over (to watch the other hooligans), we left for the hospital.
Once there we were told I was only 1cm dilated. BOO-URNS! So we walked around the hospital (slowly) for an hour, then when she checked again, I was only 2-3cm dilated. Jackie gave us 2 options, go home and let things progress on their own, or stay, and probably be medically induced (which she, and I were not a fan of). I was nervous to drive all the way back home since things were DEFINITELY starting, but I figured she knew what she was talking about, so...we went home. The drive home was uncomfortable to say the least, as the contractions were getting more and more intense, but do-able. (They were also turning out to be posterior contractions (or back-labour) as Lexie was facing sideways! OUCH!)
I got home to the kids just waking up and noticing that Nana was there. It didn't phase them AT ALL. I mean, how often does Nana sleep over at OUR house? You'd think they might have asked, but they simply took it all in stride. Well, that, and the tv was on...LOL!
I went directly to bed, and attempted to turn Lexie naturally by leaning on my hands and knees while riding out the contractions. Let's just say that they intensified rather quickly, and I turned into a "NOT happy camper" very soon. In fact, as Rick was snoring beside me, I kind of wanted to whack him on the side of the head! HOW could he sleep through ME being in this much pain?!? Tee hee...
Around 8am I finally decided it was time to call Jackie again, and see if she could help out with the pain. She said to meet her at the hospital, and we could discuss different ways of dealing with the pain. It was all so easy to say...
Rick and I climbed into the van and started the trek to St. Joseph's again that morning. I jokingly said to him: "Well, this will be a fun ride!" He laughed, but really, we had no idea.
As we got closer to London, my contractions became VERY intense, and when we were nearing the airport, my water broke. No EXPLODED. Once that happened, my body thought it was time to push. Oy! I tried to breathe as much as I could and obviously NOT push, but it's hard to argue with Mother Nature. I told Rick that I needed to push, and that's the first time EVER I have seen my husband's face go nearly white, and panic set in. With very big eyes, he calmly took my hand and said: "Don't push."
He then told me to call Jackie to find out what to do next.
With shaking hands I called Jackie, and once she called us back, she just kept saying: "Keep breathing, don't push." Haha...easier said than done!
When we FINALLY got to the hospital (seriously, longest drive in HISTORY) Jackie was waiting for us at the entrance with a wheelchair. Slowly I got out, and with her telling me over and over: "Don't push, just breathe" she wheeled me VERY fast throughout the hallways, up the elevator, and past the nurses station yelling: "I NEED A ROOM - STAT!"
She got me into the room, helped me on the bed, and with 2 nurses helping (who I met later) helped get my pants off, and then said it was time to gently push. At that point I felt a hand on my right side that didn't feel like a nurses hand...luckily Rick had caught up with us just in time!
2 pushes with my eyes squeezed tight (and a *tiny* bit of, that's how Rick found me, he could hear me down the hallway!!) and Alexis head was out! 3 more small pushes, and she was born. They laid her on my stomach, and told me to open my eyes and see my baby! *tears* They asked Rick to tell find out what we had, and he exclaimed it was a girl!! I was absolutely over-joyed. I immediately felt completely full-filled, and REALLY REALLY happy that it was over-with! Let's not forget that she is perfect. Jackie checked her over - complete with counting all her tiny (but long) fingers and toes. She gave us the a-ok, and I was happier than could be.
Alexis (Lexie) Roberta* Vries born on June 3, 2011
8lbs 15oz, 21.5 inches long and perfect. Just what I ordered...well, I could have gone with earlier, but 3 days before her due date? I'll take that. :)
*Roberta is after my dad, Robert. As well as my grandfather. It's just a good name. :)
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