Thorndale Fair FUN! | 5:22 PM |
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Today we finally got to a fair...the Thorndale Fair! It was lots of fun, a great fair for our kids ages. We had a blast, and the kids were exhausted when we got home! (Zoe was asleep before we started backing out of the parking spot I think!)
Here!! A pic of all 6 of us!! (Spiderman included...!)
Daddy and Zoe enjoying some pie.
Zo had a great time looking at these two pics, she smiled for this one, because she wasn't for the next one..."Happy Zoe"
"Sad Zoe" :(
Ella eating lemon meringue with a dolphin on her cheek.
Talking to Oprah about different farm animals. They could NOT figure out how she was talking, yet she was a puppet...huh.
Ella's whale balloon animal (no waiting in lines!)
Riding a pony...
This was our first ride (yes, my pics are completely backwards!) And if you can see Zoe, she is hysterically crying. I was so busy trying to get them in a pic that I wasn't noticing that. Luckily she had a Daddy standing beside me nudging my ribs... Oops! (The operator stopped it so she could get off - whew!) After that, she was happy again!
What fun! When we got home I made a pail with a small cut in the top, and the words: "Fair Fund" on the outside. Now the kids can save for the fair all year round, 'cause it's FREAKING expensive!! Wow...
Worth it? TOTALLY. ;)
Arrrr...!! Some Halloween Pirate Fun! | 11:46 AM |
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Today is our first PD Day of the year. Since I have Halle before and after school, I now have her on PD Days too! I decided that we needed to have an extra-fun day we had a Halloween treasure hunt!
I made clues and hid them all over the house and outside (it's raining today, so the outside ones were limited!) then the kids followed them till they found the treasure!
"I know where that is!"
Part of the treasure were these little foam things stuck in capsules that you had to put in water to find out the shape. That was a good 15 min of fun. ;)
Painting their treasure chests...they are DEEP into painting here.
So I interrupted them and asked them to smile!!! :D
After more crafts, it was time to make Rice Krispie pumpkins!Um, Zoe ate most of hers, especially the decorating parts. ;)
Whew!! What a morning! It was lots of fun, but now all they want to do is play, so I'm enjoying some Lexie time. :)
Gosh...not sure how to 'top' this PD Day for the next one...LOL!
Zoe started Preschool! | 11:10 AM |
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Wow, 3 kids in school. Crazy/unbelievable isn't it? I sure think so!
Zoe goes one morning per week to Phoebe's (preschool), and she LOVES it! I was worried that she might make a fuss when I dropped her off, but she was so excited, and THEN she saw the toys...Phoebe had to make her come back to give me a kiss and hug goodbye!
I was happy though, and when I picked her up, she was the most excited about the painting they did. Gosh how kids love to paint!!
Here she is getting ready to go...
*A quick shot of Lex*
At Phoebe's!!!
And...home, ready for a nap. ;)
A few more hats I've made...ready for the store!
Babies, clothes and a hat. | 10:49 AM |
Lexie is just so darn cute. I mean really cute. Wow, we create some cute babies, Rick and I... ;)
I got Zo-J some new clothes last night. So today she had a fashion show for me! I was surprised how easily she changed over and over for me (and I only bribed her with 2 candies!) Haha!!!
Twirling. :)
This bubble skirt is TDF!!! She is in mid-jump here.
Small break to give her sister a kiss <3
Right before Alexis was born, we finished Zoe's room in a hurry. I still had a few things I wanted to today I got it all done. I even hung everything myself, and did it all perfectly! I'm so proud!
The "Z", "O" & "E" I created yesterday. Hard to see all the detail, but it's all 'underwater' themed. It was fun to make!
Oh, and while I was taking pics, I looked up at the top of our game cupboard (the one I need to clean off - IT'S ON THE LIST!) and I saw Zoe's little pink puppy behind the 'Guess Who' game! It's a bit smaller than it once cute!
Yeah...she likes her room. ;)
Time for bed.
Another hat. Since I'm selling them now, I'm making them like crazy!! This is one of my favs. I may have to make one (or two, or three?) for my girls!
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