Rick's birthday trip to Port Burwell | 11:42 AM |
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On Rick's birthday we decided to do an impromtu trip to Port Burwell (or I should say that's where we ended up!) . It was fun. We had a snack of french fries and onion rings at the ONLY open restaurant...and walked around. Simple, yet fun!
LOVE this pic of my four!!! ♥♥♥♥
Zoe, wearing her new dress from Nana - THAT SHE WON'T TAKE OFF, twirling. :)
Family photo!! ♥Fun times. Can't wait to go back in the summer!
Max turned FIVE!!! ♥ | 7:47 AM |
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My big Max turned 5 yesterday. Such a big boy already! His fav thing -by far- the entire day, was getting pirate Playmobile from us in the morning (in the BIG box). Yeah!! ♥
Wahoooo!! Pirate stuff WITH CANNONS!!!! :DAs we were getting ready for his birthday party, I was cutting up the dragon fruit - did you know if you eat dragon fruit, you BECOME a dragon? Yes, here are pics to prove it.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! DRAGON!!!
Almost party time!!
Party food - 'fire' fruit kabobs
Dragon fruit
The boys! (Crazy boys I might add...!)
Max getting some 'dragon breath' eating chips and salsa. Oooh! HOT!
'Fire' milk...(pop rocks rimmed the glasses!)
And Lex, who got to join the party after she woke up!
Dragon tatoos
Experiment and crafts
Dragon catching! Max's does not have clouds. Obviously he caught his dragons on a nice clear day. ;)
"Can we just go outside to play?"
Dragon cake!!
Silly boys!
Silly Lex too!
Happy Birthday to yooooou!
Note the graham cracker crumbs blowing EVERYWHERE!??! ;)
A little Gummi Bears song for entertainment...
Dragon hats!
Playing with the pirate stuff. FUN!
Here's Colleen helping me make the cake the day before! YEAH!
The night before his birthday - all decorated, and dragons flying...
Yeah!! What a great day, and Max thought so too! How fun! ♥
My 'extra' daughter. | 6:48 AM |
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Monday to Friday before and after school, I have another little girl. Her name is Halle, and she has been engulfed into our lives like no other. It's great - she and Ella are BFF's...! They are very similar, and get along great.
This past Monday was her birthday, so we went to Kidscape to celebrate. She told me her favourite colour was teal - so we made teal cupcakes! YUM!
Here is the clan after Kidscape (plus Colleen's few!)
Seven already!!
Zoe loves to help. ;)
Zoe and her BFF, Madison. ♥
Later, Max was too overrun with girls, so he got some iPad time.
Crazy Zo
Here's Lex trying to show me her teeth. She has fangs, plus 3 on the bottom. So weird.Drip...
...drip, and FANGS!!
How could you not love them? ♥♥♥♥♥
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