GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 3:36 PM |
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Wow....we won gold again. I'm so proud right now!!! :D I'm sad that the Olympics are over, but sooo proud of our athletes. How amazing - we only wanted a 'first' gold on our turf, and ended up with 14!!! Man, we rock!! :)
Last night I went out with Colleen and my fellow Wundermum's to the Mandarin for dinner. Mmm...it was DELICIOUS! And fun! Here's our waiter singing 'Happy Birthday' to me, I was trying to tell them it was Colleen's birthday too, but I don't think they believed me. Oh well! Fun times! :)
Ella Bella Ballerina... | 12:38 PM |
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What a FAB birthday, and it's not over yet! | 12:09 PM |
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Here is a pic of my new ring that my mom, dad and brother gave me! I feel so special! ;)
Yesterday Ella and I painted our nails while the babies were sleeping. (Funny how I refer to Zoe and Max as babies...'cause he is SOOOOO not a baby anymore!!) Anyway, we had fun. It's nice to do stuff like that with her, she is growing up soooo fast!
AND then she became a kid again. :)
Conversations... | 11:37 AM |
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I have fascinating conversations with my children. Here are a choice few from today:
Ella: "Mommy, my birthday is when it's warm out?"
Me: "Yes."
E: "And your birthday is now...?"
M: "Yes."
M: "Ugh, yes."
Me again: "BUT - My birthday is NOW and you have to wait 4 months!!!! Tee hee!!!"
Well, ok, so I didn't say the last line, but I wanted to. ;)
(I hear a flush...Uh oh...)
Me: "Max! Did you just go pee on the potty?"
Max: "No, I pooped!"
Me: "Really? You've never pooped on the potty before, are you sure it wasn't just a pee?"
Max: "Yup! I pooped!! Just a little one though."
Me: "Really...?"
Max: "Yup!"
And at this point I just give up. I mean really...there is no evidence, so let's just go with it right? ;)
Zoe: "Gah!"
Me: "Ah!"
Zoe: "Gah!"
Me: "Ah!"
Zoe: "Gah!"
Me: "Ah!"
Zoe: "Gah!"
Me: "Ah!"
Zoe: "Gah!"
Me: "Ah!"
Zoe: (Who, at this point just crawls away.)
Me: "Um...I guess we are done then?"
Zoe Swims! | 11:07 AM |
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It's great to be 32...! | 6:02 PM |
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Today was lovely. ((And I'm rushing because I want to go sit with my husband to finish off my amazing day!))
It started this morning when the Ella and Max came in and woke us up (Ella, buy tickling my feet!). Then they proceeded to tell us that they BOTH went pee together downstairs before coming up!!! My 'little mother' was doing her job!
Then Baby Z decided to sleep in a little so I could get right up and shower before anything. Funny how that was so exciting to me...LOL!
Once we dropped Ella off at school, and then Max and Zoe at Gillian's, Rick and I were off for our date-day o'fun!!! We stopped in Arva and found the deacon's bench I've been wanting, and ended up getting it! FINALLY!!!! :D Then we went to Reitmans and I got a bunch of new clothes for my big return to work. We watched a movie, did some shopping, and then came to get the kidlets and take them to my mom's for a birthday party including CHOCOLATE cake!! Yummmmmmmmmmy!!! :D
Note me trying to make my wish, and stopping Max from blowing out my candles at the same time?!?!?
It was fun. It was perfect. It made my day just awesome. I love my life, I'm so freaking lucky. *Bliss....*
When I was out shopping, I ran into the cutest bathing suit for Zoe...I simply HAD to buy it!!!
It's all about the boys today... | 10:45 AM |
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Max is potty training. Please, oh gosh, please let me live through this one.
Not that Ella was bad at training, it was more ME...learning! But, so far, so good. It all started last night when Max got out of the bathtub and announced he was going to pee on the floor. I raced him on to the potty, and then after waiting a bit, I went out into the rec room. Ella then yelled "I HEARD MAX PEE!!!!". It was wonderful. I vowed then and there that today we were starting. (He will be 3 in less than a month, and it's about time, but he has shown NO interest until now)
Today he's done wonderful. I guess it pays to wait. When I took Zoe upstairs to bed this afternoon, he sat and peed on his little plastic potty in front of the tv, then took it to the toilet to dump and flushed...!!! I just laughed when I got back! He was so proud! :)
This is my first pic of Rick on here (he's not exactly a fan of the camera on him!), enjoying his new rec room downstairs and watching his new tv. Ahhh...love relaxing after the kidlets are in bed. :)
I found my old blog!! | 5:12 PM |
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I started a blog a long time ago, and have since forgotten about it, until tonight. For some reason I saw the 'blog' logo on my FB page and remembered!!!
So this will take you back...
June 2, 2008
So please tell me what is so thrilling about rocks? Tiny dirty stones. Ok, I do realize that they may taste a bit salty (ew...) and they do look like candy - but seriously!
My son has decided that the small stones at the playground look scrumptious. Mmmm, I can just see him now - shovelling them in his little mouth.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I've found that it's even MORE exciting when Mom freaks out and tries to get him to stop. THEN he looks right at me, and shoves more in. This a perfect word for him that I will never use in front of him: Little bugger!!! ;)
On the other hand Ella is so cute I could just squeeze her until the cows come home (Ok, I could squeeze Max too - it's hard to ignore those cheeks, even if they are stuffed full of stones!). Instead of saying "What?" when she doesn't hear something, she says "Pardon?" ...it's so cute! And, because I've started stressing that she should wait until I'm done talking to Daddy before she speaks, she now says "Mommy, I'm speaking to you," and I must stop and look at her before she will tell me what she needs. It's hilarious!!! :)
I love my kids. Every day is a new adventure!
June 13, 2008
Today I had Colby and Shay come (since their babysitter was out of comission at the last minute). I was a little worried at first, but once we got going, it was smooth sailing. Talk about cute kids. Shaylyn kept showing me her 'ippo' (Hippo) and saying "See?" Oh, it was just too cute for words. They were both so adorable, and my kids got along with them so well!
So I figure I'm just lucky to have some great nieces and nephews, and I can't forget all my others too...such great kids. I'm so glad to have been able to get to know Justin, Colin & Rachael all before I had kids so I could focus entirely upon them. I feel bad that I haven't been able to do that with Colby, Shay, Loren or Evan for many reasons. It's hard working full time, and trying to get time with your own children let alone other people's! I guess it's all part of a mother's guilt eh? Good times...
I feel at least a little better about a couple of those kiddies now after today. It's a small step!
July 21, 2008
Who knew a little Scooby-Doo bandaid could completely cure growing pains? Oooh, ye have little faith. Let me tell you that my darling daughter Ella woke up last night crying with sore legs. I can only imagine that she was having some growing pains (I remember those...ouch!), that could ONLY be relieved by Bandaids (so she says). I tried to calm her down, tried to give her a drink and sang her a song, but it was Bandaids that she wanted. So, I took her to the bathroom where she picked out the Scooby-Doo brand bandaids (obviously Dora or Enchanted bandaids are only for finger scrapes?), and we put one on each of her legs. (She made sure to show me EXACTLY where they were to be located. Once in place - her crying stopped, and she asked me to carry her back to bed.
...Uh, that's it? You were in so much pain, but now it's just GONE? I wonder how Bandaids manage to menally warp my child. But really who cares? For a few cents, she was cured, and went directly back to sleep - so...BRING ON THE BANDAIDS!!! It's all good.
Gosh I love the Olympics!! | 4:49 PM |
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So I've discovered my new favourite sport - Ski Cross. It's so cool!! So much more exciting than just downhill, then after qualifying they get to ski down in groups of 4, so it just intensifies!!! LOVING the Olympics... :D
Yesterday I took Ella and Max to go see Colby skate. It was fun, but they were more excited about playing on the stands!
Yup, that's my dragon.Beautiful Shaylyn!
And an action-Colby shot. The rest really were horrible because I was taking them through the screen fence.
Here is Zoe in me MJ again. (this time with her matching MJ pants!) Gosh she is adorable... :)
I'm POSITIVE Zoe is yelling "GO CANADA GO!!!" here...!
Lots of monkeys... | 5:38 PM |
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For Zoe and Max's birthday, it's a Monkey theme...so I had this WONDERFUL woman make me these sock monkeys to give away! BUT, since I have some TIME with them (as the party is a couple weeks away), I simply NEEDED to take some awesome pics of my 14 monkeys.
Here's what I came up with (Ok, with a little help from a WM or two...thanks girls!)
Aren't they cute?? It's going to be hard to let them go...but at least we get to keep 3 of them! :D
Ahhh...my Ella. | 3:12 PM |
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Tonight while eating her supper (garnished with strawberries), Ella says: "Mommy?"
"Are these strawberries organic?"
LMAO!!! What a smart cookie! :D
A Snow Picnic | 12:32 PM |
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My sweet Baby Z...as I put her down for her nap this afternoon, and covered her up with her girly pink spotted blanket, she gently reached out to grab hippo's paw, then layed her head down. Oooh, it was adorable! By the time I had walked to her bedroom door, I saw she had her Taggie Dolly clutched in her other hand. Sweet Baby Girl. :)
This morning I thought I would take Ella and Max for a snow picnic in the park behind Nana's. We left Zoe in Nana's capable hands, while we ventured off into the cold.
We played and played (I even wore my snow pants so I could get down and dirty too!), and I took lots and lots of pictures (1 dead battery and 117 pics later...). Then after quite a bit of playing 'bears', and going down the slide a hundred times, we decided it was time to eat.
I pulled out a watermelon blanket to put on the ground, (because, as everyone knows - watermelons mean picnics!) and the kids jumped on. We ate our sandwiches and chocolate milk until Max looked up at me with is big blue eyes and said: "Mommy? Can we...*teeth chatter* have our picnic *again, with the teeth chatter* in Nana's house?"
LMAO! Poor little guy was freezing his buns off! So we packed up and trudged off to Nana's house to warm up a little and finish off our picnic. Oh what fun.
((BTW I'm playing around with picture settings, I'm tired of just my reg pics...but I don't have PhotoShop at home, so Corel Photo-Paint will have to do *la sigh*))
Here are a *few* of my pics...tee hee... ;)

And these two are in colour. I love to see the pinks in their cheeks!!!! Are they not the cutest kids EVER?!?!?!?!?!? Gosh I love my life... :)

This is for Mom... | 5:44 PM |
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If you've ever seen my son all dressed up for the snow, then you probably noticed something a little off...
Note the boots? Yeah, they are on the wrong feet AGAIN.
Seriously Max...how is it possible for them to be on the wrong feet AGAIN after I continually give them to you correctly? Sometimes I even hold you up so you don't fall, and watch you intentionally put them in the wrong boots.
I could maybe understand if they were wrong half of the time, but that's not the case with my little Mr. They are wrong pretty much all the time.
Aww man, he's just lucky he's so darn cute, so I don't really care that much. ;)
It's all about the food | 4:57 PM |
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Valentines day means Valentines Food right? Well, today it was!!
We started out the day with heart shaped toast (garnished with candy hearts and a chocolate kiss each!). Then lunch was a pb&j sandwich cut into a heart, topped with sprinkles, and a cheese arrow through it. It was YUMMMMMMY!
Here's Max enjoying his lunch, with his NEW John Deere Hoodie!
For dessert, I made pink yogurt topped with candy hearts, grapes and red sprinkles!
Zozo enjoying her brown beans...oh boy are they fun to wipe off afterwards!
After groceries today, we DEMOLISHED a tray of sushi. Ella and I LOVED it. They boys could take it or leave it...(thanks Topanga for getting me hooked!)
And this was just a cute pic of Zoe, standing at the window, trying to eat the handle. Mmm....
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