It's all about the boys today... | 10:45 AM |
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Max is potty training. Please, oh gosh, please let me live through this one.
Not that Ella was bad at training, it was more ME...learning! But, so far, so good. It all started last night when Max got out of the bathtub and announced he was going to pee on the floor. I raced him on to the potty, and then after waiting a bit, I went out into the rec room. Ella then yelled "I HEARD MAX PEE!!!!". It was wonderful. I vowed then and there that today we were starting. (He will be 3 in less than a month, and it's about time, but he has shown NO interest until now)
Today he's done wonderful. I guess it pays to wait. When I took Zoe upstairs to bed this afternoon, he sat and peed on his little plastic potty in front of the tv, then took it to the toilet to dump and flushed...!!! I just laughed when I got back! He was so proud! :)
This is my first pic of Rick on here (he's not exactly a fan of the camera on him!), enjoying his new rec room downstairs and watching his new tv. relaxing after the kidlets are in bed. :)
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