Well, today was almost perfect... | 6:56 PM |
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Until bath-time. (I'll get back to that later...)
This morning I got the kids all set up to paint. Paint, paint PAINT was on the agenda for today!!! They had a blast, and painted LOTS of things. ((Certain things that I can't mention because a Grandmother or two might be reading this...))
Then we headed off to Nana's park for a picnic and play. And oh what fun!
When we got home, Max seemed to be ok, and not too tired, so I let him have quiet time with Ella and watch a movie. (Note: NO NAP, this will come in to play later...) Then we played outside afterwards, and enjoyed all the sun and warm weather. It was lovely!
We had dinner, and then it was bath-time.
First of all, Zoe did NOT want to get in, and when she DID get in, she screamed the entire time. WTF?!?!? No idea what's going on there, but didn't matter much, I just cleaned her up quick and got her out to play, which she so obviously wanted to do!
Then I got Ella out, and then Max. (THIS is where it gets messy) Max was fooling around, then stood up to get out and WHAM! Fell and split his chin open on the tub. UGH!!!
At first I didn't see it, he seemed fine (except for his insanely loud crying...) and then I saw blood on his chest...and the rest - is, how you say? History. ;) I called mom in a panic (Oh, did I mention tonight was the ONLY night Rick was working late? So I was on my own...), and her and my dad come over in a FLASH. Ella was my saving grace, she ran for the phone, kleenex, to get Zozo off the chair (a few times...the little climber), and got herself dressed and ran upstairs to get the door when Nana and Grandpa got here. This, all while I'm holding Max's chin. And some-what trying to get him dressed in his pj's.
What would I do without her? Man, she is handy!! I even told her that she would get MAJOR checks on her sheet this week (she has a sheet, and when she does her chores, she gets check marks that work towards her allowance). She was pretty happy about that. I think she needs a raise...(even though this is actually her FIRST week...LOL!)
Anyway, it was a pretty good day, and Max didn't get stitches, or even glue, just tape. Nothing like waiting 1 1/2hrs in Emerg to have them TAPE your son's chin closed. *Le sigh* Oh well. Glad that's all it was. AND glad that he was pretty well-behaved considering how tired he was. When we left the hospital, I think he was asleep before we got out of the parking lot!
I'm just grateful now that all my beautiful babies are all safe and sound sleeping in their beds.
...now it's my turn. ;)
My amazing man. | 7:31 PM |
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My husband, is amazing. I mean, really amazing. I know I talk about my kids a lot, a LOT...but don't be fooled, there is one truly amazing person helping me raise our little angels, and that is Rick. He's a wonderful father, he's kind, attentive, sensitive, caring, patient and loving. Tonight he was reading Ella her library book before bed (he's in charge of the 'big kids', as I'm nursing Baby Z before bed), and this is what he told me about it:
"You know that library book Ella's got? It sucks!"
"Well, it's just stupid, I could barely read the end, stupid book."
"You mean the 'Love you Forever' book by Robert Munsch?"
"Yeah, Ella kept asking why I skipped a page, and I told her to just give me a min..."
...LOL, he was trying not to CRY!!!! EVERYBODY NOW...."Awwwwwwww...."!!!!!!
So adorable. And that's why he's a great father. ;)
The kids rooms! | 7:09 PM |
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So I realize that after so much hard work on getting the kids rooms all done, I've never really taken any good pictures! (excuse me while I roll my eyes!)
So here they are. Note, Ella is actually sleeping in her room as I took the pics...LOL! I forgot to take them before they went to bed...but it's not like she noticed. I turned her light on, and she didn't even flinch, once she's out - she's out. Whew!
Here is Max's "John Deere" room. I was pretty darn happy with how it turned out, and so was he!!!
And Ella's pink and purple room. :)
And finally, this is how I found them tonight, Max all curled up in Ella's bed (again) but sleeping right on her chest...although it doesn't seem to bother either of them!Awwww....my sleeping babies!
My note for tonight: Baby Z is turning into quite the little toddler now, walking pretty much everywhere, and looking more and more like a toddler. She's changing so fast - except when I nurse her and she falls asleep, then she turns right back into my little baby again. *Sigh...* Love it! :)
Don't sit on the daffodils! | 5:29 PM |
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Wow, behind my mom's house is about a gazillion daffodils in the park. They are AMAZING!! Nothing like some bright yellow flowers to get you in the mood for spring!
So we took all the kidlets there today for a play in the park, plus a nice little picnic. What fun! The weather was GORGEOUS and the flowers were a-bloomin'!!!
...and I managed to take a few pics...Ok, so more like 221? ;)
Ths one cracks me up! It looks like she is giving 'thumbs up' with her straight face... :D
Ella and Mommy Day! | 6:38 PM |
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Today was all about Ella. She ended up having this ballet demonstration class today (a Thursday) at 9:30 am. (?) Yes, I thought the timing was weird too, but I guess it's normal. Whatevs...eh?
So I took the day off and we spent the day together! It started out with us heading to her ballet demonstration (completely full of of 'anal'...the owner of the ballet studio - VERY nice woman, but a bit anal... she made Ella take out her earrings, and little coloured hair elastics because she wasn't supposed to have anything other than the normal 'uniform' for ballet. Um...she's FOUR.) None-the-less, we carried on. No biggie!!
The funniest part (I got to watch, which I LOVED!) was when they picked up the pretend strawberries. Beautifully, of course, using their middle finger and thumbs. Kiera, the other little girl picked many strawberries, and when Miss Danielle asked how many she picked, Kiera very carefully (and beautifully I might add) picked them back out of her basket and counted each one. All the way to 14! (Yes, they were STILL pretend!) It was so cute!
Then Miss Danielle looked at Ella and asked her how many she picked. To which Ella replied:
"One thousand."
It was hilarious! :D
After ballet we went downtown to pick up a few odds and ends, then to the Old Bakery Café for lunch. Ella (disgusted that I even bothered to ask her if she wanted something from the kids menu) ordered a 1/2 roast beef wrap. I could see it in her eyes: "Oh Mother!"
And, of course - she ate it all. Then she finished it all off with a lemon square (and ate that all too! And it was HUGE!) I also got her a FABULOUS chocolate milk topped with whip cream, which was yummy - so yummy she had to have me keep taking samples so I knew it was good too! She's so adorable!!
After lunch it was time for school. I volunteered this afternoon, and loved it yet again. The kids are just awesome, I mean I simply love them all. (Even the ones that seem to have only butterflies flying around in their skulls...!) I even got to help when they had gym class with Mr. Crockett - and when he didn't know their name? I DID!!! I felt so darn important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to go back and volunteer there again. It's just so much fun! :)
When school was finished we took a quick trip to Woodstock to buy Avatar from Zellers. Unfortunately I was too late, and all the copies were SOLD! Grrr....so we walked over to Rogers and found it for just a little more money. I couldn't wait to see it again...!
Then, I made the mistake of stopping at Bella's Toy Store on the way home..Ugh. I found a birthday present for my niece, a baby present for my niece/nephew tobe, and a beautiful Deux Par Deux dress for Ella. If anyone knows kids clothes, then they know I didn't get it cheap. ;) But adorable?!? Um...YES!! I will have pics tomorrow, because I've already been informed that she's wearing it - no matter what we are doing. Park to play? She's wearing it. LOL! :P
So that's it in a nutshell. My daughter Ella is a complete pleasure to be around, and fun too. I'm so lucky. :)
Amazing Ella | 8:40 AM |
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This morning Ella told me 2 + 2 = 4. I spun around and said: "What?!?" How do you know that? She blushed, and said "I just know!" It was so cute!
So later while I was nursing Zoe, Rick and I both asked her if she knew what 3 + 3 was...and she answered (without hesitation) "6!" So we kept grilling her - and she got them all right!!!
YUP! My oldest little angel is a math whiz...(again, she's so much like her Nana!!!)
What a great morning! :)
Daffodils in April | 9:53 AM |
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I think my mom should start a blog - really Mama...that would be handy for you too!! ;)
Tis the season for stealing pics...tee hee!!! My mom sent me these this morning -and I'm using them because I WAS THERE. That is my excuse - I could have taken them right? LOL!
Here is my beauty Ella...LOVE this picture!!!
Mr. Max and Shaylyn! (Snack time!!)
Zozo, wanting to be a 'big kid' at the table!
Colby-ham and my Dad. Awwww...!!!
Great pics Mama!!!! Thanks for letting me steal them! :)
Colin's 11th Birthday! | 6:40 PM |
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Yesterday we had my nephew Colin's 11th birthday party. ELEVEN. Yes, you read that correctly, he's already freaking ELEVEN. Man...WHERE did those years go? I start to hyper-ventilate when I think of my kids that old...and it's not that far away!!!!! GASP!
So here is my son, putting on the usual face when someone is going to take his picture. Nice one for Aunt Deb.
(Oh, here's my disclaimer - ALL of these pics I completely stole from my wonderful Sister-in-Law Deb! I didn't take ONE pic yesterday, and I DON'T CARE!)Aunt Dianne gearing up for life with a baby...
Gracie giving Zoe a kiss!!!! So adorable!!!
The kids a'playin'.
Um...note the butt cheek? LOL!
Because Zoe wouldn't dare leave the party for a nap, she fell asleep on Daddy. Aww...!
The birthday boy himself! Colin!!!
Colin, opening THE BEST GIFT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This pic cracks me up! Who's belly is bigger?!?!?!?Evan and Max having a bath to end the day - what 'hams'!!!!
OMGosh, could they BE cuter?!?
Thanks Deb. :)
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