Well, today was almost perfect... | 6:56 PM |
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Until bath-time. (I'll get back to that later...)
This morning I got the kids all set up to paint. Paint, paint PAINT was on the agenda for today!!! They had a blast, and painted LOTS of things. ((Certain things that I can't mention because a Grandmother or two might be reading this...))
Then we headed off to Nana's park for a picnic and play. And oh what fun!
When we got home, Max seemed to be ok, and not too tired, so I let him have quiet time with Ella and watch a movie. (Note: NO NAP, this will come in to play later...) Then we played outside afterwards, and enjoyed all the sun and warm weather. It was lovely!
We had dinner, and then it was bath-time.
First of all, Zoe did NOT want to get in, and when she DID get in, she screamed the entire time. WTF?!?!? No idea what's going on there, but didn't matter much, I just cleaned her up quick and got her out to play, which she so obviously wanted to do!
Then I got Ella out, and then Max. (THIS is where it gets messy) Max was fooling around, then stood up to get out and WHAM! Fell and split his chin open on the tub. UGH!!!
At first I didn't see it, he seemed fine (except for his insanely loud crying...) and then I saw blood on his chest...and the rest - is, how you say? History. ;) I called mom in a panic (Oh, did I mention tonight was the ONLY night Rick was working late? So I was on my own...), and her and my dad come over in a FLASH. Ella was my saving grace, she ran for the phone, kleenex, to get Zozo off the chair (a few times...the little climber), and got herself dressed and ran upstairs to get the door when Nana and Grandpa got here. This, all while I'm holding Max's chin. And some-what trying to get him dressed in his pj's.
What would I do without her? Man, she is handy!! I even told her that she would get MAJOR checks on her sheet this week (she has a sheet, and when she does her chores, she gets check marks that work towards her allowance). She was pretty happy about that. I think she needs a raise...(even though this is actually her FIRST week...LOL!)
Anyway, it was a pretty good day, and Max didn't get stitches, or even glue, just tape. Nothing like waiting 1 1/2hrs in Emerg to have them TAPE your son's chin closed. *Le sigh* Oh well. Glad that's all it was. AND glad that he was pretty well-behaved considering how tired he was. When we left the hospital, I think he was asleep before we got out of the parking lot!
I'm just grateful now that all my beautiful babies are all safe and sound sleeping in their beds.
...now it's my turn. ;)
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Aw, I'm sorry to hear about Max, but glad he didn't need stitches. Having a big girl certainly is handy! Mine is a big help too when we have issues with our youngest. I love Ella's visor, btw.
Poor Max. I love how you've included all the details of the story. I'm glad everything turned out okay.
Your Mom looks as lovely as I remember her. Please give her a huge hug from me. I'm enjoying watching your life on Facebook ... but even more on your blog. Yah done good. Yah done good!
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