Mothers Day | 5:10 PM |
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I had a simply wonderful Mother's Day. It was absolutely perfect.
It started out with an HOUR-long backrub from Rick. Yes, I did actually say an HOUR long backrub...*bliss*
BUT THEN, the kids woke up, and immediately went into the playroom and started playing. What? That's right - they peeked in our room, but didn't bother us (and my back rub!), and went straight into play. Baby Z slept in, and I was in heaven. *Le sigh*...!!!
For breakfast Rick made yummy cinnamonny waffles. For lunch we went to my mom's where Ella had her present she had made for me waiting. After crying my eyes out (seriously...) I recovered and we had a nice visit. My mom is the most amazing mother EVER. Honestly, it was so hard to even think of anything to get her - because what do you get for someone so perfectly awesome? But I managed to pick up something little and pretty, and it made her smile, so I guess it worked. ;)
Ella's Mother's Day present for me (made at school - LOVE Mrs. DJ!)Um, excuse me while I bawl my eyes out (again) ... ;)
Zozo, trying to 'get' my necklace (that Ella made me, thanks Nana!)
Grandma Jennie's flower box, made by the kids!! (And my new flower pot boots!!)
Nana Dianne's flower box! HAND painted!! Can you tell?!?!
After lunch we high-tailed it to J0e and Jennie's for the afternoon and dinner. (Nothing like not cooking an ENTIRE meal all day!!! WHOOPPEEE!!). We had a blast and I saw the second most amazing mother out there. We are so lucky to have such wonderful mothers. *tears* I'm very grateful.
The kids were great, and seemed to just make me beam all day long. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to know that this is really my life. This perfect place we are's all ours!! :)
LOVE this pic. What a beautiful face!!!
Happy Zozo. :)
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