Warm, sunny days | 12:18 PM |
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What a beautiful day today. Even as I sit here on the computer (what?!?) the window right beside me is open, and a beautiful breeze is floating my way. Ahhh....the house is quiet with sleep, and I'm enjoying the last few moments before they are all awake, and life starts again.
For now, here I am.
We took the kids to the Woodstock parade this morning. It was really fun - and the kids were great. Zoe danced through the ENTIRE parade (it was very entertaining to everyone sitting around us!), and held her snack in her little sweaty palm almost the entire time. I'm sure by the end she thought: "Oh yeah! I have a granola bar 'bit' in my hand to eat! Duh!" ;)
Yesterday the kids played in the water table again. I really need to buy a little pool (our last one bit the dust, and Rick says we don't need another one, but I disagree - so one *might* get bought when I go visit my Gram this week! ;) Tee hee...)Zoe, very cautiously attempts to step up on the ledge...
This pic cracks me up - she saw Max sit on the ledge, so she decided she should too. And it took her approx. 10 min to figure it out - it was hilarious! Then I went and asked for a kiss (which I do all the time now, it's her new trick...) so she immediately comes over with her tiny little puckered lips, then proceeds back to her ledge, for another 10 min episode of "How to sit like your brother". Classic Zoe. LOVE IT. :D
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