Ella and the Pie | 6:21 PM |
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GG sent a BEAUTIFUL dress for Ella-Bells, she LOVES IT! She is going to wear it to birthday party #2 on Saturday. (at J&J's) It fits PERFECT. (!!!)
Nana with her drawing from Ella - as a 'Thank You' for watching her after school this spring.
Zozo playing with Grandpa's pudding. I'm sure she's thinking: "HOW do I get this open to taste it?"
We baked last Sunday. Yup, you might remember it as a VERY HOT and STICKY day out? Uh huh...I was baking. Nice...
At least Ella helped!
Our apples pies. One big, one little. :)
"Amba" | 11:12 AM |
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She finally did it! Dianne had her baby, and it was a girl! Amber Renee...born June 23 at 9:21pm. 9lbs 14oz!! Same weight as my Max! SUPER-cute, of course! Can't wait to see her again!!
Baby Z giving Amber a kiss
Then, of course, Max had to kiss her too!
Grandma Jennie holding Baby Z (who wanted to see the BABY!)
My bruiser, living up to his name. ;)
My Momma, uh oh...
Sweet Amber...
Happy Mama with her new baby! :)
I can't help it, when I think 'Amber' I hear Boston Rob saying "Amba" from Survivor.... ;)
My little baby wearers (Ok, one is a 'truck' wearer) | 12:57 PM |
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Baby-to-be Demaiter, and some cousin's to boot! | 12:36 PM |
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(I'm finally getting caught up!)
A couple weeks ago, we had a baby shower for Dianne (Rick's sister). She's due this week...! I'm very excited! We don't know if it will be a boy or girl - but my guess is boy, so no doubt she will have a girl! LOL!
Here are her presents from us!
A beautiful piece of art from Ella:
And a present for the baby from Ella:
Loren showing Zoe how to use the skipping rope:
...which turned into Zoe putting on a 'show' for Loren and Rachael!
She's dancing, BTW...
She was just cracking the girls up!!!
Beautiful Loren
My husband, smiling. YES! (This does NOT happen much. He must have been drinking..?!?)
Mr. Max, trying to skip!
Awww....my Maxy!
Preggers Aunt Dianne & Ella! (Oh, and Grandma Jennie holding Zozo!)
My Mini Mechanic - in training! | 12:31 PM |
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Baby Bunnies! :) | 12:10 PM |
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A couple weeks ago I was walking back from our composter when I saw something at the base of one of our little maple trees. It was a bunnies nest! We had 6 tiny little bunnies burrowing in the mulch at the bottom of the tree! So I went out to check them out, and who follows me out? 3 little bunnies of my own... ;)
Here is Max in his most FAV place: (aka the sandbox)
And my Zozo...no that isn't chocolate on her face - you guessed it - it's sand. UGH. When I saw that (she was nicely playing in the play house) I stopped for a moment to take a pic, then turned instantly into 'HYSTERICAL MOTHER' and ran over to clean her face (and mouth-ick!) out...Oh Zoe!!!
And my little 40-year old posing by the bunnies, DESPERATE to see them!
A couple days after Rick and Ella went outside to cut the grass, and found one of the bunnies! Soooo cute!!
Since that day, they all disappeared. :(
Max's photo shoot | 11:27 AM |
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Today I had Rick take a pic of Max with his black eye. It's getting more and more purple! Ugh!! BUT, he can actually see out of it today (yesterday it was still swollen shut). So it's getting better, and looking worse!
(Somewhat different kind of photo shoot than the one of Ella and her friends yesterday!! LOL!
"You think I look bad? You should see the OTHER guy!"*************************************************************************
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