Rib Fest! | 10:41 AM |
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Ugh! I hate it when I upload pictures backwards!! You'd think I'd remember by now, and do it properly...DUH!!! ;)
Anywhoo...this past Thursday night Rick was working late, so Mom, Dad and I took the kidlets downtown Ingersoll for Ribfest! Mmm...(although I barely remember tasting the ribs?) I'm pretty sure they were good. The kids LOVED them!
After we ate, then we got to do the 'stuff'!! (The BEST part don't 'cha know!) Here is Ella and Max (I guess you were supposed to let the ppl take the pic, and give a donation, but I didn't know until after - oops!)Baby Z, chillin' in her stroller (for now)
Grandpa decided to get in on the action...
Ella all painted!
Max with his piggy balloon hat! (That we had to wait FOREVER for!)
Can you just hear it? "Excuse me Nana, I'm getting my picture taken." *insert attitude here*
Ella's turn in the stroller...
Now Max's...
Ahhh...off for a drink at Dino's, and we discovered Zoe can drink from a straw! Yeah!!! :)
Crazy Max
Are these ppl related? Oh my....!
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