Max's email | 11:32 AM |
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Max is at Nana's today - and sent me this email:
Hi Mommy,
I want to buy a fog machine to make our house scary! xzxzzzma,x,x..,,.,.,.,.m/jjb v.c;clg;h
I made a pumpkin pie for supper. Nana helped a little. s.x.,cdcllllllllllllllllll,c,d,d,d,c,,,,,,,,,,
Then I made orange Jello. We put two eyeballs in the Jello too. el;mxxs,a ,., x,ZKkxzxzi98xasisaws;as./Z?mnnncnc,.zcx
see my pics. I helped nana print this letter. Can you tell?
LOVE IT! Now, can you please tell me when he went and grew up? (AND how do I get out of buying him a freaking fog machine?!?!?!)
My Fraggle Hat | 6:47 AM |
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Sweeeeet Winter Wheat! | 8:05 AM |
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I've heard from various ppl for years that this Winter Wheat place near Sparta is great. I was skeptical - I mean it's all about the gift shop right? How great could it be? Well, I guess I learned my lesson, because it was AWESOME! And yes...we DID buy something at the gift shop...LOL!
This is my FAV pic of the day. All 3 - so cute! LOVE Baby Z's face!!
This was her 'extra' pose. She's such a model-wannabe!!
Typical Zoe camera-stare. She's all smiles, and laughing, then I try to click and...well, this happens.
Zoe-J fell in love with one of the trees. You can see the progression.
I missed the kiss, but be assured, this lucky little tree got both a hug AND kiss from her!!!
GOSH this was exciting. A tree had *gasp* FALLEN DOWN.
Walking on the tree!
Max always squints his eyes when smiling. So Daddy (is this ironic) told him to open his eyes up AND smile...!!!
Enjoying the harp music.
And our flower we took home!!
Bare feet and many, many stones! | 7:57 AM |
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Yesterday Rick and I decided to have a day trip. So we did all our running around on Saturday (exhausting Saturday!) so we could have Sunday free. It could NOT have worked out better!! We headed to Winter Wheat (near Sparta) then for lunch we drove to the lake - Port Bruce to be exact! WHAT FUN! We ate at a quick outdoor restaurant before heading across the street to the beach! The meal sucked, but the fun that ensued afterwards was totally worth it!
Here is Max patiently awaiting his meal (I think his cheeseburger was the only thing NOT overcooked to death!)FINALLY! Beach time!!!!!!!!!!!! (These pics were inspired by the one and only 'feet lady', they didn't turn out quite like hers, but you get the idea - note their names written in the sand?)
This was evidence we were there. ;)
Zo-J's new shirt: "You can't spell AWESOME without ME!" Soooo her!!
Love love LOVE this pic!
Ella's collection of rocks.
What fun. We are sooo doing this again! :D
A pic of ME! (and trees...?) | 8:44 AM |
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Since this blog is sooo filled with such cute little peeps, I thought I would invade with a picture of MYSELF!
Today at work I went out to check out our Empress Splendor trees, and was pleasantly surprised to see just how big they've gotten! (All in one year!)
So here is me posing...!
Let's just hope they make it through this winter! :S
Bring on the hats!! | 6:28 AM |
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I think I've become a *little* obsessed with my new hat-making ability. But it's soooo fun!
This one was supposed to be for my niece, but I ended up getting too far, and realizing it was too small! So, it's now a cat-hat for Zoe!
This was my big idea of a rainbow hat!! Ella DESPERATELY wants one, but this one is spoken for...bring on Christmas!!! (Pics are not the greatest - I took here with my phone at work! But there is a orange after the yellow before the red...looks much better IRL)
My little kidlets... | 6:54 AM |
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Yesterday we had the Older reunion, so before we left the kids were in 'ham' mode so I grabbed my camera! Max was DESPERATE for me to take a pic of him sitting on the box-thing in our front yard. It's for electricity or something? (Maybe I should know this?!?) And his feet were on the other big box thing in our yard. ?!? LOL! He loved it anyway!!!
Ella was wearing her new Jie Jie dress. Yes, it has a name. ;) It also has wings!! She 'flew' all day long... ;)
Twirling, which you simply MUST do when wearing a twirly dress. Duh.
This was her good 'pose'. How cute is she?!?
...and then there is my little ripper Zoe. Nothing like getting down on your hands and knees in your new MJ...little bugger!!! LOL!
Little piggies!!!!! :D
And my two 'ham's'..!!
Max was very seriously tracing our name in the stone. It was VERY exciting, and obviously VERY serious...
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