Bare feet and many, many stones! | 7:57 AM |
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Yesterday Rick and I decided to have a day trip. So we did all our running around on Saturday (exhausting Saturday!) so we could have Sunday free. It could NOT have worked out better!! We headed to Winter Wheat (near Sparta) then for lunch we drove to the lake - Port Bruce to be exact! WHAT FUN! We ate at a quick outdoor restaurant before heading across the street to the beach! The meal sucked, but the fun that ensued afterwards was totally worth it!
Here is Max patiently awaiting his meal (I think his cheeseburger was the only thing NOT overcooked to death!)FINALLY! Beach time!!!!!!!!!!!! (These pics were inspired by the one and only 'feet lady', they didn't turn out quite like hers, but you get the idea - note their names written in the sand?)
This was evidence we were there. ;)
Zo-J's new shirt: "You can't spell AWESOME without ME!" Soooo her!!
Love love LOVE this pic!
Ella's collection of rocks.
What fun. We are sooo doing this again! :D
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