What happens at Nana's.... | 7:09 AM |
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Doesn't stay at Nana's because she takes pics!!! LOL!
And yes, that's right. She puts them in baskets to make them behave... ;)
A few weeks ago we had Shay's birthday party at Jeff's! Mom got some funny pics of the CRAZY children there!!Just FYI, the last one is my Max, complete with his "M" cape on, Spiderman shirt, and Storm Trooper mask on. Oh, I think he even has a light saber. Happiness is.... :)
Robert Munsch simply rocks... | 12:08 PM |
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Yesterday I took Ella and Colby to see Robert Munsch at Centennial Hall. He was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G., of course! I took Ella 2 years ago and thought he was amazing then!! I can't wait to take Max next time.
I took the afternoon off work, went to pick Ella up, then Colby from school, and went to SilverCity to see Alpha and Omega (the movie). It was excellent, and the kids were too!
Then we went to Michaels' for some crafts, and then East Side Mario's for a birthday dinner for Colby. WHAT FUN. Seriously, this age is hilariously fun.
After dinner it was finally time for Robert Munsch. He really is freaking amazing. He had them captivated the entire time. Me too...except when Ella-Bells was tapping me on the shoulder so I would watch her act out all the actions...LOL!
What a wonderful distraction from my horrible week. :)
(Please excuse the HORRID pics from my phone...ugh!)
Life without a flash... | 5:29 AM |
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A few weeks ago I dropped my camera. Yup...and broke my flash :( So it's only outdoor pics for a while! I'm hoping to get it fixed easily...we'll see about that. Last night the kids desperately wanted me to take pics of them, so I got out the tripod, and Rick even took the lamp and shone it directly on them, but still not great pics!! Oh well! They were happy, so that's good right? ((Oh, how I want my flash back!!))
And here is my crazy Max....(with his fav pj's on. He's all about Spiderman now. Darth Vader has taken a backseat. Not good for his 'planning ahead' Momma who already has his Darth Vader Halloween costume ready. Was it terrible that we had movie night last night, and the choice just happened to be Star Wars?!? Rick thought it was pretty funny. But I'm NOT buying another costume!!)
Here is Ella doing some ballerina moves, I guess her new dress brought it out of her? ;) (At least SHE's excited about being Princess Leia!!)
LOVE this photo! Wow...my little ballernina!
Finally, the patch arrived so I could finish Max's Darth Vader hat. He was NOT in a mood to have his pic taken in it. :S BUT...he has a stubborn Momma, so I got a few! ;)And, because I'm anal, I think I'm going to make his hat again. It's slightly too big. It's annoying me. Luckily I have lots of black yarn! ;)
Birtch Farms and yet another Thanksgiving meal! | 11:43 AM |
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Sunday morning we went to Birtch Farms (near Innerkip) and had a wonderful time. It's really fun there - the kids had a blast! It was a GORGEOUS day, but a *bit* sunny for pics. Talk about squinting kids!!! LOL!
This was Zoe's first year to pick her own apple!!! She quite liked it, so when my head was turned, she went and picked a couple more!!!
Max and Ella both go their annual apple-picking experience in too! Mmmm..!!!
Awww!!! Too bad Rick wasn't in the pic! (Obviously he was busy behind the camera!)
Is there a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch?
Isn't this cute? I love this pic!
The corn maze. W.H.A.T. F.U.N....!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this? A DECENT pic of all 3 of them? WOW....All in Cinderella's carriage!
After Birtch Farms, we went to J&J's for the afternoon, and had another turkey dinner! YUM! We went to a walk when Zozo woke up and Max found a DIGGER!!!!
And last, but certainly not least, Zoe found a feather, and was running towards Daddy, awwww!!!
Thanksgiving pumpkins | 11:27 AM |
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Yesterday we had a SUPER-yummy thanksgiving dinner at Mom's. Mmmmm...LOVE turkey!!!!
While the adults (ok, Mom and I) were getting supper ready, the boys took the kids out to decorate their pumpkins!! Aren't they cute?
I *think* Max may have been a little scared of Uncle Jeff...
The Colbster!
Giggling Shay
Ella and her ghost pumpkin
And a sad, sad Baby Z who was locked inside. (Don't feel too badly, as soon as Daddy saw her, he let her come outside and help!!)
A FASHION SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! | 6:25 AM |
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Yesterday when we got home there was a box waiting for me! :D
The kids got REALLY excited when I told it was for them, so I figured I'd better specify that it was CLOTHES!! LOL! They were still excited and couldn't wait to get the box open once we got inside. It was like Christmas - taking each piece out of the box and unwrapping it up...it was so cute! Then DD1 exclaims: "Let's have a FASHION SHOW!".
Now you might think DS wouldn't want to take part, but OH NO....he was just as excited!
Imagine me showing him how you 'model', then he tried!!!! It was adorable!
My pics SUCK because I dropped my camera a couple weeks ago and broke the flash. Holy annoyingness Batman. Anyway, you get the idea.Zo-J got some pj's, but wasn't in the mood for a fashion show! ;)
The latest hats | 7:31 AM |
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