Life without a flash... | 5:29 AM |
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A few weeks ago I dropped my camera. Yup...and broke my flash :( So it's only outdoor pics for a while! I'm hoping to get it fixed easily...we'll see about that. Last night the kids desperately wanted me to take pics of them, so I got out the tripod, and Rick even took the lamp and shone it directly on them, but still not great pics!! Oh well! They were happy, so that's good right? ((Oh, how I want my flash back!!))
And here is my crazy Max....(with his fav pj's on. He's all about Spiderman now. Darth Vader has taken a backseat. Not good for his 'planning ahead' Momma who already has his Darth Vader Halloween costume ready. Was it terrible that we had movie night last night, and the choice just happened to be Star Wars?!? Rick thought it was pretty funny. But I'm NOT buying another costume!!)
Here is Ella doing some ballerina moves, I guess her new dress brought it out of her? ;) (At least SHE's excited about being Princess Leia!!)
LOVE this photo! little ballernina!
Finally, the patch arrived so I could finish Max's Darth Vader hat. He was NOT in a mood to have his pic taken in it. :S BUT...he has a stubborn Momma, so I got a few! ;)And, because I'm anal, I think I'm going to make his hat again. It's slightly too big. It's annoying me. Luckily I have lots of black yarn! ;)
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Your kids are adorable! Love the hat too! Last minute mind changes are exactly why I am leaving the Halloween costume making business to the last minute this year. :) Sorry to hear about your camera!
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