The Mini-Van Express! | 6:13 PM |
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Tonight we went on our first every "Mini-van Express"! It was AWESOME!
I was so worried that Rick would have to work late, but he got home in perfect timing and I had everything ready - it was perfect!!!
Rick took them downstairs to brush their teeth and put them to bed, while I made the popcorn and put the chocolate suckers on the van seats. I made hot chocolate too, and grabbed the camera and had housecoats and slippers ready.
Once they found their tickets their eyes lit up with excitement..really! It was awesome. TOTALLY worth it! They came up and I punched one letter on their tickets each, then we piled into the van.
We drove around the town for about an hour and had a wonderful time. They were so happy!
When we were almost home I finished punching their tickets.
Ella: hope
Max: love
Zoe: laugh.
Ella wants to scrapbook her ticket! We are so doing this again next year! <3<3<3
Here is Lex all ready to go, and looking quite exited - don't you think? ;)
Wahoo we are on our way!What a perfect night. I'm so happy! :)
Goat hat! | 7:20 AM |
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Hats and Snow | 7:00 AM |
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I've been making hats like CRAZY this fall. Hence no time to update my poor blog! I think I made up for it today though. ;)
This one was for a friends' little boy. It's SUPER cute on him, on Lex...not so much. She looked like she was ready to drive a train...!OH! I found the pic of Emerson with his hat on! Isn't he cute?
The first day of real snow. The kids could NOT get outside quick enough. It was so cute!!The skunk hat. I want to make one for Lexie-Loo. *sigh* Alas, someday I'll get some time...!
The little boy I made this for was 'over the moon' excited with it. He LOVES skunks! YEAH! :D
Gee, a Weir-dly Older Christmas 2011! | 6:44 AM |
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This year I held the 'Older' Christmas at my house instead of mom's. It worked out perfectly because Mom was a bit preoccupied with my father after his accident.
<<2 weeks before the party Dad was driving his motorcycle downtown. A woman pulled out from a parking lot and hit him, causing him to spin around, fall and slide down the street. He broke 3 ribs, his collarbone, and his shoulder. At first we thought he wouldn't need surgery, but turns out he did. A scheduled 4 hr surgery turned into 6 hrs...! He's healing now...with LOTS and LOTS of staples>>
But the party was good, and Dad didn't have to have his surgery until the following Monday, so we were all a bit anxious about it, we tried to enjoy ourselves!!
I should have had Rick get a better picture, but I have a black butterfly fascinator in my hair!! It was just too cute - if I do say so myself!! ;)Colby and Shaylyn slept over, making for MORE fun in the morning! They were angels. Can't wait to have them sleep over again!
WHAT IS THIS? Yes, it's a beautiful smiling pic of all my mom and dad's grandkids. Happy, and still in their jammies!!
All the Vries's (and there is a LOT!) | 6:32 AM |
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Here we are. All of us! 15 pictures later...this is the best shot. Unfortunately, MY kids are the only ones not smiling. But Zoe will have to make up for the other 3 I guess!(From Left to right) Top row: Ron Demaiter, Dianne Demaiter, Amber Demaiter, Alexis Vries, Rick Vries, Deb DeZwart, Jerry DeZwart, Erin Vries, Olivia Vries, Kevin Vries, Samantha Vries, John Vries
Second row: Mark Russett, Christy Russett, Stacey Vries, Cindy Vries, Rachael DeZwart
Front row: Justin DeZwart, Maxwell Vries, Ella Vries, Jennie Vries, Joe Vries, Zoe Vries, Colin DeZwart
Sitting on Grandma Jennie's lap is Grace Russet, and front and centre is Evan Russett!!
My 'gnomey' bathroom...finally! | 6:19 AM |
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Just in time for the 'Older' Christmas at our house this year, we finished the downstairs bathroom, and the theme? (YES there is a THEME to my bathroom - duh!) GNOMES! I love gnomes, and when trying to decide what to do for our bathroom (that wasn't the same ol'-same ol' - you know me!) I thought I would take advantage of my weird 'gnome' love, and show it off! I'm VERY happy with it. I can't help but to smile now every time I pee. (!)The 'toothbrush' gnome. Thanks to my Mama for that one! (His name is Roy)
My 4 baby gnomes on the wall! The BEST part of the room by far!
These are the wooden gnomes I made for the bathroom. I have kids, so I embraced the fact that they needed something to 'play' with in the new bathroom.
My prettiest gnome. His name is also Roy. (Sigfried is my gnome that stays safe upstairs...)
YEAH! So if you want to smile while you pee, come visit me and my gnome bathroom. ;)
A little update on... ALEXIS | 6:03 AM |
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Lexie-Loo-Loo-Belle is a whopping 6 1/2 months old, and 21 lbs. WOW. She's growing and thriving like crazy. She is happy - pretty much ALL of the time. Zoe calls her "Wexie-Woo-Woo"!! LOVE IT!
We have started solids, and she loves everything, especially Cheerios. I'm totally impressed with how well she can already pick them up and shove them into her little mouth!
From day one, she has been sleeping through the night - from 7pm to 7am...which was (weirdly) wonderful! THEN...around 4 months she decided she should get up once or twice. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Last night she only got up once though...and all I had to do was pop her soother in, so WHEW! Hopefully she'll be sleeping through again soon. At least a mother can hope right? It doesn't really bother me too much, I know it will happen soon, and knowing she is my last baby, I want to cherish every single moment of her littleness even if it makes me yawn throughout the day...LOL!
Rolling over is her new hobby. 2 weeks ago she discovered how to roll over, and now she is already rolling across the room. Funny how fast it happens!!
She absolutely ADORES her brother and sisters. There's simply nothing they can do wrong (most of the time that is...), and when they aren't around, you can see Lex looking around for them! It's quite adorable.
That's all I have for now, and as everyone and their brother keep telling me, I am I have to jet onto something else now! Laundry perhaps?Halle is a big help around the house now too. She comes before and after school and blends in like nothing. Plus...she loves Lexie. And how could you not? I mean really....
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