Gee, a Weir-dly Older Christmas 2011! | 6:44 AM |
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This year I held the 'Older' Christmas at my house instead of mom's. It worked out perfectly because Mom was a bit preoccupied with my father after his accident.
<<2 weeks before the party Dad was driving his motorcycle downtown. A woman pulled out from a parking lot and hit him, causing him to spin around, fall and slide down the street. He broke 3 ribs, his collarbone, and his shoulder. At first we thought he wouldn't need surgery, but turns out he did. A scheduled 4 hr surgery turned into 6 hrs...! He's healing now...with LOTS and LOTS of staples>>
But the party was good, and Dad didn't have to have his surgery until the following Monday, so we were all a bit anxious about it, we tried to enjoy ourselves!!
I should have had Rick get a better picture, but I have a black butterfly fascinator in my hair!! It was just too cute - if I do say so myself!! ;)Colby and Shaylyn slept over, making for MORE fun in the morning! They were angels. Can't wait to have them sleep over again!
WHAT IS THIS? Yes, it's a beautiful smiling pic of all my mom and dad's grandkids. Happy, and still in their jammies!!
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