Disney on Ice, poop & pizza. | 10:04 AM |
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Saturday we took the kids to Disney on Ice at the JLC. I scored $15 tickets at the last minute, and Zo-J was free because she was under two!! I was really excited that Rick wanted to go too...a fun family outing! PLUS, we were going to go out for dinner afterwards, and generally enjoy the day with the kids.Well, it didn't quite work out that way. We did make it to Disney on Ice - and the kids were GREAT. I can't say Max was 'over the moon' for it like Ella, or even Zoe (Zoe LOVED it!!), but he tolerated it. He couldn't be more like his Dad if he tried... ;)
While we were watching the show, it started to snow, a lot. So by the time it was over, we belined it home - deciding on pizza at home instead of going out.
So, simple plan: bath first, then dinner after. (With lots of snacks inbetween to get them through!)
Well, the bath thing started out well. Rick had to go snow-blow outside, so I started with Zoe and Max in the bath. They were done, and Ella was about to get in when Zoe POOPED in the tub. Yuck. It's not the first time, but oooh, how I detest it. I mean, it's poop. Ugh.
I VERY quickly pulled Max out (he made it out unscathed! Whew!), then pulled Zoe out, wrapped her in a towel and took her upstairs to Mommy's bath to rinse her off. Then Ella had a shower ;)
Once the kids were all cleaned up, and I had thoroughly cleaned up the kids bathtub (and toys, and mat, and done a load of laundry...) we waited for the pizza. ...and waited. ...and waited. I was just about to give up and send the kids to bed when it arrived. Whew!! They ate their fill and we sent them off to bed. I've never been so happy to see pizza in my life! LOL!!!
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