Zoe's Birthday - PRESENTS!! | 6:53 AM |
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Friday was Zoe's birthday, so after supper she got to open her presents!! LOOOVE! She's very good at unwrapping paper (um, and please ignore the fact that it IS Christmas wrapping paper..it's all I had!), and she always makes sure to hand all the paper to me once she's ripped it off. *Gush* Such a clean little lady...
Max was desperate to help...
Oh, and this was the crochet pillow I made her to go in her next present...
Deep concentration...
"Ere Mommy!"
A crib for her babies! I made a crochet blanket for her too! She took it to bed with her that night! Glad she liked it... ;)
Kisses for baby.
She is singing to her baby right now. I think it was "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", her fav song.
Feeding her baby.
Kraft Dinner - her fav ;)
Blowing out her candles. She's been practicing...
Time to eat the frosting!
Ella Bells...yum, brownies!
Mr. Max, deeply into his brownie.
Awww, Ella and Daddy. And Murphy's Law, a pic with his eyes actually OPEN, and he's looking somewhere else! GAH!Happy Birthday little Monkey! Can you believe she is TWO already? Wow...
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