Ella's first | 11:34 AM |
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Ok, so I've been slacking on the updating lately...I'll try to get back on track, it might help if my little 'energy sucker' would pop out...LOL! 2 more weeks...then get ready for some serious baby pics!! (Just warning you!)
Ella had her first soccer game last week, and sadly I didn't bring my camera...Bad Mommy Alert! Then she had her last ballet class yesterday, and yes...I didn't bring it again! Oh well, at least I had my phone. Not the best pics, but they will simply have to do!
Here is Ella and her BFF Chloe - break time again... ;)
Max, helping Ella with her snack!
Ella in ballet class!So cute! She says it's all about karate next year, so we'll see if she comes back to ballet at some point. We might try Zo-J at it in a year or so...(I'm so going to miss the cute little outfits!)
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