Fashion Show Love | 1:54 PM |
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Oh, how I love getting D*MN good deals online, and then seeing them on the kids! I'm in LOVE with this package today - it was from an online store that was closing, so I got some great deals, or I should say...steals. ;)
(It also doesn't help that I have a small obsession with kids clothes..tee hee!)
Zoe, modelling Lexie's new winter coat for next year
Zoe in her new ruffles - I'm not sure how we are going to wait until summer for this one, her or me! Ha!
Lex, getting in on the action.
Lexie's Christmas dress for next year - just a tiny bit small on Zoe...! (Note the socks? It's a nice look isn't it?)
Max was feeling neglected. (He did get some really cool t-shirts last week in the mail, so don't feel too bad for him!)
Lexie's new bathing suit! LOOOOOOVE!!!
Ella (very seriously) modelling her new dresses (this one was her fav)(Insert Zoe wearing one of Ella's dresses!)
(Oh, also insert my littlest pumpkin)
Beautiful! I'm in love with them all. :)
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