Finally...the monkey party! | 11:36 AM |
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After a LOT of planning, it finally came (and went VERY fast!). We had Max and Zoe's 3rd and 1st 'monkey' birthday party! It was crazy, chaotic fun. The house was full to the max (no pun intended...!). ;)
The kids loved their monkeys (thanks again Sarah!), and they all went home with a chocolate monkey sucker and a banana! I took approx 5000 pictures, so I had to downscale a bit. Here are just a *few*...
Here is GG with her Fab 5...
Auntie Deb with the Birthday cheeks and all! :)
Zoe with her new rugby shirt on from Aunt Dianne and Uncle Ron (the back says: "09 Zoe") It's sooo cute!
Our crazy Colin
I love this pic because of my brother's HUGE smile. He sooo loves his babies!!
(Note Justin, Max and Colby in the background? AND the monkey on the floor - Sarah?!?)
Zoe intently listening to Great Aunt Gail's explanation...
Then...((is she actually rolling her eyes?))
Max patiently waiting for Grandpa to get all his new toys out!
Great Aunt Flossie...
AND...the CAKE. Made by my sister-in-law Erin. A complete masterpiece!
And, just in case the cake wasn't enough...Erin made Max a John Deere TRACTOR!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
And that's how it's done. ;)
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That is one super awesome cake! Looks like it was a fabulous party!
Wow, awesome cake! What a fantastic party. Your kiddos are gorgeous!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time! The cake was awesome! Happy birthday to your babies!!
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