I soooo want to teach Ella's class 11:47 AM

I volunteered today, probably one of the last times (unless I take time off of work), and LOVED it. Mrs. DJ was off today, so there was a supply teacher. WHAT LUCK! That made me happy because I knew more of what the kids were supposed to do than her. I felt so special!! :D

I simply LOVE helping out there, all the kids make me feel great - they all know me, and want me to help them (I mean, they all are 4 or 5 years old, so they are used to a 'Mom' to help them out quite a bit still!), and I just want to scoop them all up and take them home with me. LOVE IT! :)

The other day when it was beautiful and sunny, I took Max and Zoe to pick Ella up from the bus stop in the John Deere (!) wagon. Oh what fun!! The sun was sooo bright - it was simply wonderful.


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