Bubbles bubbles bubbles... | 10:01 AM |
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"We saw the ocean and I peed on a tree!!" | 5:57 PM |
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Ok, so we didn't actually see the Ocean, it was more like a river - the St. Clair River, but to Max - it was the OCEAN. ;)
Tuesday the kids and I picked up Nana and headed off to GG's for a visit in Corunna. They were really excited, and would do ANYTHING I wanted, because I reminded them we were heading to see GG this week. Awesome. (Except - now what am I going to use as leverage?)
We arrived Tuesday before lunch at GG's, and all the kids immediately recognized and hugged GG happily. Funny how - no matter how big the gap in time between visits is - kids know their grandparents. We had a lunch, then Auntie Auntie Auntie Auntie Auntie Auntie Gail came for a visit (her lunch hour) with her friend Gwen, my cousin Lindsay (who works at Gail's dental office!) and even my cousin Jace dropped in. Oh what fun! While they were there, I casually mentioned that I was in need of a teeth cleaning (nothing is casual when you are talking my Aunt Gail and teeth...she is a dental hygienist), but she said she was booked all afternoon. No biggie.
Then after they left we got a phone call - Aunt Gail had an opening! LOL! So Ella and I scooted down to her office and we both got cleanings (and even had Dr. Bedard come take a look! Now I'm good for another 6 mons!!). It was fun. Yes, going to see the dentist was fun...I swear! :)
We walked downtown Corunna later and bought new (little) pools for the kidlets. They simply NEEDED to play in water in this heat!! So for the rest of the afternoon the kids played in the pools. It was FAB fun I tell you.
Gail and Jeany came over after supper and we played in the pools more, and gabbed, and gabbed. I'm so jealous that my mom has so many sisters. Not that my brother isn't fab himself, don't get me wrong...!!!! I love hanging with them and imagining that they could be MY sisters (instead of my aunts). I'm glad my girls will have each other. :)
Later we watched tv- a few different shows at once, with Gail and her INSANE remote clicking, it was bedtime. Ahhh...and once my head hit the pillow, it was lights out!
The next day was more water fun, and a discovery of mosquito bites. Max had approx 12 on his back, Ella had about 3, and Zoe - none. So weird! So I bought some citronella candles, and tried to keep the kids away from the grass.
In the morning while Zoe was sleeping, I took Ella and Max for a walk around town. We headed to the river and put our feet in the freeeeezing water. We threw tiny stones in the river, and watched boats crossing. It was so fun. No agenda, we just did as we pleased. Then we found a nice bench in a shady spot and just sat. I bought some popsicles and we ate them in our shady spot again, then ventured for a quick "Hello" to Aunt Gail at work. At one point Max needed to pee, so I found a tree, and away he went!! Later Max was talking to Daddy on the phone, and he looked at me and asked: "Can I tell Daddy that we saw the ocean and I peed on a tree?" After my nod, Max then said in the phone: "Daddy! We saw the ocean and I peed on a tree!!"
LOL!!! It was just sooo cute!!
We made it home (with Max on my back) and vegged in GG's freezing basement. THAT was nice...!
We had a dinner with Aunt Rudy and Carey. A late night talk full of fun. Deeeeep, stimulating conversation. Awesome. ;)
Today, again, we played. Gosh the kids are fun. Here are a few pics. I didn't get many, as we were having a bit too much fun. ;)
Zoe, enjoying her first chocolate covered ice cream treat! She ate it ALL!
CHECK out the chubbin's legs!!!!! ;)
Awww...GG and Baby Z! So cute!
Around 3am the first night, Max slipped into GG's room, and she invited him in. There he slept until the morning! They were so happy - both of them!! :D
Zoe, loving up one of her fav peeps.Funny how these pics take you back. Here I am at home - reliving my visit. Really, I have such happy thoughts about going to visit my Grandma. Always...now I'm sad that we aren't with her now. WHY does she have to live so far away? Oh well, makes it better when we DO get there right?
Warm, sunny days | 12:18 PM |
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What a beautiful day today. Even as I sit here on the computer (what?!?) the window right beside me is open, and a beautiful breeze is floating my way. Ahhh....the house is quiet with sleep, and I'm enjoying the last few moments before they are all awake, and life starts again.
For now, here I am.
We took the kids to the Woodstock parade this morning. It was really fun - and the kids were great. Zoe danced through the ENTIRE parade (it was very entertaining to everyone sitting around us!), and held her snack in her little sweaty palm almost the entire time. I'm sure by the end she thought: "Oh yeah! I have a granola bar 'bit' in my hand to eat! Duh!" ;)
Yesterday the kids played in the water table again. I really need to buy a little pool (our last one bit the dust, and Rick says we don't need another one, but I disagree - so one *might* get bought when I go visit my Gram this week! ;) Tee hee...)Zoe, very cautiously attempts to step up on the ledge...
This pic cracks me up - she saw Max sit on the ledge, so she decided she should too. And it took her approx. 10 min to figure it out - it was hilarious! Then I went and asked for a kiss (which I do all the time now, it's her new trick...) so she immediately comes over with her tiny little puckered lips, then proceeds back to her ledge, for another 10 min episode of "How to sit like your brother". Classic Zoe. LOVE IT. :D
My #4... | 5:53 PM |
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((hmm...after reading my post I realized that maybe my title was confusing...what I meant was that Ella is #4 (her shirt) on her soccer team this year, PEOPLE!))
Ella played her first soccer game of the season last week (Uh...yeah, little late on the pics!), and I took approx 400 photos...basically until my fingers turned numb from the cold! Love it! :D
I was completely amazed at how well she did - she was right in there kicking the ball like crazy, and this week she even scored (or closely assisted) a goal!!! I had no idea that a kid of mine could be that good...and it's only been 2 weeks!!!! She simply MUST have some of her Aunt Deb and Dianne's gene's in there... ;)Hard to see, but Ella's actually kicking the ball here!!
With a new year also comes the "Fab Four". 2 little girls that are in Ella's class (Chloe and Halle) plus Halle's friend, makes up the Fab group...it's really quite cute!! (When they aren't playing...LOL!)The Fab Four hugging, awwwwwww!!!
Ella and her BFF Chloe holding hands!
Summer, finally on it's way! | 5:32 PM |
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Ahhh...another Friday off. I couldn't have enjoyed it more! ;)
Ella had school today, so it was just the LO's with me! We had a fabulous 'playing' day, as that was the ONLY thing I wanted to do, and we enjoyed it. :) What fun!!! Max and I even sat down to watch a movie together when Zozo went for her nap, and I enjoyed that a lot too...or I should say I felt refreshed after (Um...my eyelids only closed for a min!) LOL!
We re-arranged the toy room, and to the kids it's like a new area all of a sudden! GOSH! I'm going to do that more often! Here they are playing tea party...
Zoe - trying to give me an apple
Then tonight after supper, they simply all turned into goofballs. Not sure what turned them, I just thought it was normal pasta...?!?Here is Ella showing off her new tinkling scarf/skirt thing. I thought it would be fun for her birthday party at Grandma Jennie's. We'll see if Rachael likes it and maybe she can have one too - then the girls can tinkle around at their party!
Zozo, trying to get Ella's belly button, it was pretty funny!!! :)
A few days ago I picked the kids up from Gillian's, and Zoe had a ponytail!!! It was pretty funny, and about impossible to get a pic of it! Here she is turning just as I was to take a pic...And here it is! (Hey! It's hard to take a pic of a constantly moving little girl!!)
PILE ON! Poor Daddy was giving horsey-rides one night... :) (Note Zoe's hold on Rick's hair? I guess she was holding on for dear life!!!)
So cute!!!
A perfect Sunday | 6:47 AM |
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Sunday was awesome, it was just a fun day with the kidlets. After naps I put water in the water table and just stood back. I had a lasagne in the oven, so we just, played. What fun!!
Zoe waving at Daddy.
Picture me yelling: "DON'T SHOOT MY LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!!!" ;)
LOVE that face. :)
This pic cracks me up! Can you tell Ella did her own hair? ;) And check out Zoe's face!!! LMAO!!!
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