*La sigh* ...only 3 kids again. 5:32 PM

Since Sunday, we've had Ella's friend Chloe here since her mom and dad are in Mexico. It's been a BLAST!! I *almost* cried tonight when we dropped her off at her grandma's...is that bad? I had to hold it together:
1. So MY daughter wouldn't lose it, because she was VERY close also!
2. So poor Chloe wouldn't lose it either! (She's missing her Mama)
3. So her grandmother wouldn't think I was insane.

Ok, so it was mostly the last one...but I held it together. Funny how empty the house feels now!

We went to my mom's house for a bit today, and I splurged and got the kids Micky D's for lunch. Zoe...who has never had it before, is now a fan. She was hilarious! She stood at the kids table for a good 15-20 min eating french fries! It was very cute!

So, I didn't take these pics today *gasp!*, my mother did (luckily, because I really wanted a shot of Zozo standing with the 'big' kids!!)


Sandbox said...

You're in trouble now...once you give them a taste of MD's it's all over.

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