An ode to Wundermums | 4:47 PM |
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I belong to a forum of mums. I have for about a year and half, and love it. My brother likes to joke that I'm 'such a wundermum'...but I really am. I have learned so many things, and met lots of new kindred souls - and most importantly, I've learned that I'm a 'normal mum'. I think that's probably the most important thing. From the moment you become pregnant you want to do the right thing for your child. You make sure you take your prenatal vitamins, you don't eat raw fish and you doubt every decision you make, because you aren't 100% sure if it's the exact way you are supposed to handle the specific situation.
That's why Wundermums is so great. You can post a question, and find out that 15 other mum's would handle the situation the EXACT SAME WAY. Heaven. Unless you decide to call 15 (or more) of your closest friends and relatives to find out what they did, how do you know? How do you set your mind at ease? They make you feel normal, and that's a GREAT way to feel when you are a mum (especially a new mum!).
I've learned so many things too. Pre-Wundermums I judged other mum's. I'm admitting to it. I never meant in a mean way, and would never say anything, but I thought things. For example: A woman would breastfeed her 3 year old? Ewwwwwwww!!! Or homeschooling? It makes freaky kids. It just does. Even midwives, only weird women into wholistic stuff use them. LOL!
*Seriously, I feel pretty darn foolish for some things I used to think, in my naiveness I was pretty stupid.*
Since reading and really trying to understand some of the other women's opinions, I have changed my mind a LOT. I have learned that breastfeeding is a wonderful thing (I DID know that one!), and if you decide to long-term bf - who cares? If you child is 7 years old and happily bf'ing - how is that different in the child explaining it to their friends, than having to explain that you have 2 mums, or 2 dads? WHY judge these fellow mums who want and enjoy this wonderful bonding experience? Not to mention how good it is for the child. Breast milk is wonderful, we all know that, so why stop?
Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to breastfeed Zoe until she is 7, but I'm not necessarily going to stop when she reaches a year old either. Once I go back to work I can still feed her in the mornings and before bed! AND..I plan to! I am going to let her decide when to stop (as long as I want to as well). If we both enjoy it, then there is no reason to cut her off.
And as for homeschooling? I've learned that homeschooled kids (granted not ALL of them) can be quite a bit more advanced in their learning than other kids their age. They don't have social issues, because the parents use different forms of socializing with other children than the school setting. And the list goes on...
I've learned TONS...certainly too much to even try to write down in a blog session. Just know that I love Wundermums. It's enlightend me with so much. Knowledge takes you far, and friends along the way are even better. :)
One more thing I would like to add about WM's. I have friends on there. Awesome women who have shared their lives with me. I've met lots of them IRL which is even better. I have one certain friend on there who has a special bond with me - we knew eachother in highschool. We weren't best friends or anything, but for some reason, I feel extra comfy knowing I have 'someone on the inside'...! She always replies to my posts, as I do hers, and she's helped me out in other areas of my life too.
Crazy how a metal and plastic box, along with some keys and a screen can make you feel very comfortable in a group. A group...of friends. :)
Thanks WM's. You rock. ;)
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Amen, Sista.
:) yay for wm's
Well said my fellow WM!
Love it!!!!!!!!!
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