My second day - and our second day! 5:00 AM

Ahhh...the lovely feeling of sleeping through the night. Yes, I said it - NIGHT #2 of Baby Z sleeping through the night!! Yeah for us!! Funny how you get so used to getting up countless times throughout the night for sooo long - it's been almost 10!

So here we are, on day #2 of my blog! Funny, because yesterday (all day!) I was coming up with things to talk about. Then I'd stop myself from blogging again so that I would have something to write about today.

Um...and that's it. My mind = blank. Murphy's Law? Love it. UGH!

Maybe it's that I'm all alone this morning - simply too much time to concentrate? All 3 kids are at the babysitters today. ALL 3!! I actually have some TIME on my hands with NO little ones running around!! Mind you, I have plans coming out of my ears; make stew, put laundry away, clean the kitchen, go for brunch with mom, buy Max a new snowsuit, hit scrapbook store for supplies for Max and Zoe's birthday party know - just a few things...LOL!

So, I'll cut it short, and try really hard to come up with some really good subject for tomorrow. (Don't hold your breath!)

Here is my pic of the day - Rick took it last night (does it count if I didn't take it?), it is the only one I have to use since there are no children to take pictures of today!
Rick and the kids made this last night while I was cleaning up upstairs. It was so cute, Ella came up and asked for the camera. I thought maybe Daddy had sent her up for it, but no...she wanted a picture of her amazing castle!


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