Zo-J's new room!! 5:44 PM

FINALLY! We got her room done! Well, not done-done, but it's well on it's way. It still needs pictures on the walls, the top half of her armoire finished, and all of her clothes put away, but...it's looking pretty darn good! YEAH!!!

I was a little nervous when my Dad came over the other day to put the mermaid up. I was worried (at the last minute...might have been good to think of it BEFORE I got it printed out 6 feet high?) that it might 'freak her out', but thank the Lord, she LOVES it! She promptly named it Ariel, and talks to her all the time. Whew!

Max was almost as excited as Zoe was about her new room...he DESPERATELY wanted to sleep there tonight. No doubt Zoe will get an unexpected visitor in her bed at some point!
(Oh, see the pink on her bed? Yeah, that's Zoe...trying to hide under her covers. LOL!)

Here is Max, absolutely desperate for me to take a pic of his scary octopus.

My old white chest of drawers that my wonderful father painted lilac, and I fitted with new knobs! It's perfect! And the bottom of the armoire (Rick is to finish the top tomorrow!)

ARIEL! I think Zoe is pointing to her. She couldn't look at me long enough for a smile because Ariel was RIGHT THERE! (Oh, and I have since added a mirror flower thing above her name too. I'll take more pics once I've got more pictures on the wall.)

Pointing to Ariel.

I kicked the kids out for this shot. I thought I'd better get at least ONE with her bed made. No doubt it will be rare. ;)

The shelf my dad made me for my office when I first started at Norampac - since I no longer have my office, I stole it back, and here it is! The mirror is "Zoe-level". It's so cute to see her look in it! (Thanks to my friend Liisa!)

And MOST IMPORTANT: Hippo and baby waiting on her bed. :)


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