My 'extra' daughter. 6:48 AM

Monday to Friday before and after school, I have another little girl. Her name is Halle, and she has been engulfed into our lives like no other. It's great - she and Ella are BFF's...! They are very similar, and get along great.
This past Monday was her birthday, so we went to Kidscape to celebrate. She told me her favourite colour was teal - so we made teal cupcakes! YUM!

Here is the clan after Kidscape (plus Colleen's few!)

Seven already!!

Zoe loves to help. ;)

Zoe and her BFF, Madison. ♥

Later, Max was too overrun with girls, so he got some iPad time.

Crazy Zo

Here's Lex trying to show me her teeth. She has fangs, plus 3 on the bottom. So weird.

...drip, and FANGS!!

How could you not love them? ♥♥♥♥♥


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