Christmas finally came! 6:23 AM

This year was simply FAB.  All my kids - all old enough to completely enjoy, and Mommy and Daddy not far behind. ;)
I don't have a lot of pics - because I didn't take hardly any on Christmas! Ella had her new camera, and Rick was taking video of it all, so I just sat back and enjoyed. How lovely it was!!

And it all started on Christmas Eve...and/or "The day of Lego".

This is the FIRST car Max has made - totally on his own - out of Lego. He followed all the directions and made a PERFECT car. *So proud!*

Ella's first 'girly' lego. It's sooo cute! (Zoe loved it too...and pieces kept 'disappearing' to her side of the table, somehow...weird.)

Spreading out the special reindeer food on the lawn (or dumping in a clump like Max and Zoe...! But Ella spread it out afterwards!)

After that, it was off to Nana and Grandpa's for a dinner of Kraft Dinner (does it get any better?) for the kids, and then my favourite church service of the year.

Then, at some point during the night...SANTA CAME!!!

Evidence that he was here...

Max's new ornament/present to us!

Zoe's new ornament/present to us!

Ella gave us a CD of her piano music!!! And Lexie gave us kisses. ♥ 

* Really, who needs anything else? *

 The kids got Kinex - a BIG bag, so after sorting and checking out the instructions, and a day of building...

(While Zoe played with the new dollhouse)

(and Max played with his new cars)

They made a ferris wheel! That actually WORKS!!!

Rick bought me a Kobo! YEAH!!! I've already read one book so far, but I'm currently reading a big ol' hardcover book because I bought it before my Kobo, you know...BK (Before Kobo). ;)  

It was a lovely day - Nana Dianne, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Jennie and Grandpa Joe came for a yummy turkey dinner and we all just visited and played all day long. It was awesome.


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