A FASHION SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! 6:25 AM

Yesterday when we got home there was a box waiting for me! :D
The kids got REALLY excited when I told it was for them, so I figured I'd better specify that it was CLOTHES!! LOL! They were still excited and couldn't wait to get the box open once we got inside. It was like Christmas - taking each piece out of the box and unwrapping it up...it was so cute! Then DD1 exclaims: "Let's have a FASHION SHOW!".
Now you might think DS wouldn't want to take part, but OH NO....he was just as excited!
Imagine me showing him how you 'model', then he tried!!!! It was adorable!

My pics SUCK because I dropped my camera a couple weeks ago and broke the flash. Holy annoyingness Batman. Anyway, you get the idea.

Zo-J got some pj's, but wasn't in the mood for a fashion show! ;)


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