Those little people who can't seem to make me stop smiling :) 9:51 AM

Last night, while waiting (patiently) for Ella to brush her teeth, Max and I sat side-by-side on her bed. He asked me for something, and I told him I'd do it for a kiss. Without hesitation, he lifted his little lips and kissed mine. Ahhh...nothing so sweet as your three-year old boys little pink lips. Then afterwards he told me that we had to kiss again because HE wanted to make the noise! (!) So, I reluctantly (as if!) kissed him again, making sure he made the bigger noise. Then he had to do it again, and again and again...

Needless to say, I was in heaven. He is just sooooo adorably cute I can't possibly put it into words.


My little dancer Zoe decided it was time to take her little dancing gig on the road, and showed all of her aunts and uncles, cousins and Grandma Jennie and Grandpa Joe. They were all impressed. It was completely adorable to see her swinging her hips/head/arms...pretty much her entire self when any tiny song could be heard. She really got going when I would start to sing: "Go Zoe, go Zoe, go, go, go Zoe!!" She is so easily amused! ;) (Lucky for me eh?) LOL!

Speaking of kissing, she has turned into quite the little kissy-face herself. All you need to ask is: "Zoe can Mommy have a kiss?" and she puckers up her tiny little pink mouth. Ooooh, I tell you there is simply nothing better. I LOVE my kids kisses!!!!


Ella went and grew up on me. Not sure when that happened, but she is just like a little friend for me. She helps with the little kids, cleans up, cooks (when I let her - closely supervised!!) and just loves helping me do any little project that I have to do. AND, she likes to shop with me. I am a self-proclaimed shopaholic, but trying desperately to NOT be. BUT there are times when a girl simply needs to get out to the stores and shop! That was Saturday. And since the little ones were sleeping at Nana's, I got to take Ella-Bells. She told me if she liked the shoes I picked out, and even made me try on ones I would never wear in a million years...(how do they DO that?) Then helped me pick out a new shirt for my cousin Jacqueline's wedding. So helpful, and all she bought that day? A pink crown hairband. That's all my princess needs... ;)

At the same time, she scrubbed her knee and elbow and Grandma and Grandpa's, it's ME she wanted to hold and console her while she cried. So she's not entirely grown up yet. (Yeah!)

I am so did I get so lucky?


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