Memorize these moments... 1:31 PM

I met this woman today who, after raving about my adorable children (of course), told me to cherish every moment. She had older children now (and was looking forward to grandchildren) and cannot believe how much she has forgotten.

Cherish every moment. CHERISH...

It's so easy to let all these moments just fly forget - even when we don't want to. That's why I want to do this blog so bad - to hopefully catch those moments, if at least only one per day.

This afternoon I was feeding Baby Z before her nap, and I remembered what that woman had said. When we were done, I read her the book we read before she goes to bed every time: "Zoe's Snowy Day" that she got from Nana Dianne and Grandpa Bob (her FAV! and Grampa picked it out!!). She absolutely LOVES this book. Everytime we open the first page, or even look at the cover, she erupts into huge smiles. It's awesome. While we were reading the book, her soft little hands brushed mine. I touched her cheek and felt her soft pink skin. I wanted to gobble her up she was so cute! I squeezed and squeezed her, then kissed her on her cheeks, and one of my fav spots - her little chubby neck. ;) I love babies so much!! I honestly think that I'm going to have a rough time when we decide we've had enough children. ...but not yet. ;)

This afternoon I put Zoe up on my shoulders and attempted to take some pics in the mirror...they are pretty funny - and Zoe LOVED it! So cute..I'm sure I have some drool in my hair, and she might have some of my hair still clutched in her little paws, but it was fun. :)


Sandbox said...

so cute!

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