Bathtime hair...! 7:29 AM

Yesterday we didn't do a whole lot. We were recovering from Max and Zoe's birthday party the day before, so we took it easy, and just cleaned up a little. (Ok, so I cleaned up a little...!) The weather wasn't too bad, so I got to put up my first laundry on the line!!! Actually, I did put a load out on Saturday too, but it was a small, small load, so it barely counts. ;) Yesterday I put out 3 loads! Oh, it felt good, and smelled even better. I wonder where this 'drying clothes on the line' obsession of mine comes from? Oh well, I don't care - because I love it. :D
I figured the kids needed to get outside and 'blow the stink off them', so I sent Ella and Max out, then I brought Zoe out when she woke up from her nap.

She is soooo and outdoors girl! I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get her back INside when we were done, but since she simply HAS to do what the other kids are doing, she followed them when Daddy said the bath was ready. Ooooh, and how they needed a bath! When Ella and Max were outside, they discovered MUD!! What fun! Needless to say the outside play made for an early bath, and an extra load of laundry...tee hee...oh, right, plus some vacuuming for me tonight, because Max put his boots on this morning, and got mud all over the backroom. Ella was HORRIFIED! LOL!

While washing them in the bath, Rick yelled at me to grab the camera quick. Seriously, does he not realize how SLOW I go lately? I waddled up the stairs and back down again only to find my little munchkin Zo-J with a big, long pixie point on her head!! It was so cute!

Oops, it kept falling over. WHEN did her hair get that long?


Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum...they only look a *tiny* bit alike right? ;)

Zoe, hamming it up. Love it!

For future reference, Max should be happy that his Mommy can easily edit photos, otherwise there might be more of him showing in some of these pics than he might want people to see...!!! ((As for right now though, he's probably disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!))


LJ said...

Love the bath hair. How cute is that?!

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